Chapter 8: Bad Luck..

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Your P.O.V.


From all of a sudden (F/C) flames spreaded the room.

Everyone and everything just froze.

"Wha-what just happened?!" I looked at my hands while shaking.

"I-I need a time out..." I said to myself, as I sat down on Dipper's bed.


It was morning and I woke up from that sweet aroma of pancakes with a side of bacon.

I quickly changed into my normal outfit, Yellow Tank Top, Jeans and Black & White Converse.

I went down the stairs, but then I tripped and fell down.

"Ow..." I mumbled.

"Good Morning, (Y/N)." Dipper said.

"Morning..." I said while, yawning.

I grabbed a plate of pancakes and bacon (Which were the last ones).

I decided to sit right next to Dipper.

I placed my plate on the table and went to the fridge to get some Orange Juice.

When I went back, my plate was somehow... empty.

Just pancake crumbs left.

"I guess I am not gonna eat then..." I sighed.

"H-hey (Y/N), wanna hangout with me at the Mystery Fair?" Dipper asked.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"Just at the back of the Shack.." Dipper answered.

"Oh... okay, sure." I smiled awkwardly.

Dipper walked outside, heading to the back.

I started heading for the door and went 'out'.

I bumped on something.. HARD.

I opened my eyes and realized that I went to the Closet...

How embarrasing..!

I went out of the closet and outside the door.

As I walked down, I tripped. AGAIN!

"Ugh..!" I groaned.

I got up and headed to Dipper.

"Sorry it took me so long.." I apologized.

"It's fine.." Dipper said, "Shall we?"

We walked around, until I spotted this... duck-panda hybrid!

"I don't know if that's a duck or a panda, but I want one." I said to Dipper as we headed for the booth.

"One ball, please" Dipper said, while handing a ticket to the guy.

"You only get one chance." The guy said to Dipper.

"And a one, and a two, and a.." Dipper said as he threw the ball.

It missed the bottles but bounced back and hitted me right in my covered eye!

"Ow! My eye!" I said in pain.

"(Y-Y/N), I am s-sorry! I'll go get some-" I cutted Dipper's sentence.

"I-it's cool... I'll just head back to the shack.." I said.

Before Dipper said anything, I quickly headed to the shack.

I lied down on Dipper's bed and decided to rest.

Dipper's P.O.V.

"And a one, and a two, and a.." I said as he threw the ball.

It missed the bottles but bounced back and hitted (Y/N) right in her covered eye!

"Ow! My eye!" She said in pain.

"(Y-Y/N), I am s-sorry! I'll go get some-" I apologized, until I was cut.

"I-it's cool... I'll just head back to the shack.." She said.

Before I said anything, she disappeared.

Mabel walked up to me with a pig.

"Hey Dipper! Check out my new pig, Waddles. I named him that because he Waddles a lot!" Mabel said, while waddling Waddles.

Mabel's face changed.

"You okay?" Mabel asked, concerned.

"I messed up big time!" I said, while putting my face on my hands.

"What happened?" Mabel asked.

I explained what happened, every detail.

"Oh, I'm sorry bro-bro..." Mabel said.

"Nah.. it's fine.." I said.


"Oh yeah!" Mabel started, "I found this thingamawats... I think it's a time machine 'cause it took me back in time :D"

"W-what?!" Mabel that's-" I was cut.

"To the past!~" Mabel said as she grabbed Dipper and Waddles, while going back in time.


Your P.O.V.

I woke up, feeling great and healthy!

Suddenly, my stomach growled...

"I forgot... I didn't eat breakfast.." I said, hungrily.

All of a sudden, memories start flooding in..

I started to groan...

"Thanks a lot, bad luck!" I mumbled.

As I headed to the door, Dipper barged in.

Making me fall to the ground.

"I-I'm so sorry (Y/N)" Dipper apologized for the 2nd time!

Suddenly, Mabel tackled Dipper. I slid out, leaving Dipper at the bottom.

They started fighting each other over a... a measuring tape..?

Suddenly, Stan got inside the room... with popcorn?!

"FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!" He chanted.

Wendy and her friends went in as well..

Man, it was loud in there!

I covered my ears.

But I could still hear the racket!

That's when I finally screamed at the top of my lungs, "CAN EVERYONE HERE JUST SHUT UP?!"

From all of a sudden, (F/C) flames spreaded the room.

Everyone and everything just froze.

"Wha-what just happened?!" I looked at my hands while shaking.

"I-I need a time out..." I said to myself, as I sat down on Dipper's bed.

I placed a pillow on my head, 'What am I going to do?!'


Hi guys! It's Alice!

I am truly sorry for not updating...

I needed inspiration...

And I had to study for my final exam!

Luckily, it's currently summer!

So, expect more updates to come!

Bye & Thanks For Understanding C:

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