2|| On-Set Corey pt. 2

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We finally reached the dressing room and he reached into his drawer. Pulling out his phone and tapping something he handed it to me.

"Don't tell me your name."

"Wait what?"

"Don't tell me your name. Just write it down in my contacts along with your number."

He did the cutest grin ever and in this moment his eyes seemed brighter.

"Of course." I smiled. Instead of typing my name into his phone, I wrote 'Riarkle is Endgame'.

"So does she!" I hear my mom laugh with someone. "Oh crap, I forgot to tell her I was leaving!" I panicked.

I turned his phone off and handed it back to him seeing it get shoved into his pocket.

"Who, my mom?" I face palmed myself.

"No, my mom!" I answer him.

"Well I hear my mom talking to- I guess your mom right now." He trailed off.

"I swear, I pretty much have to drag her out of her room on her days off. But she loves her photography club so I'm sure Corey will enjoy attending that."

Corey and I give each other a confused look and follow the mom talk.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Hi I'm Shannon, Corey's mom." The nice lady introduces herself and shakes my hand. "Hi, I'm-"

"Oh I already told her your name sweetie."

"Uhhh, okay."

"So what's going on?" Corey questions.

"Well, apparently your friend here attends this really good photography club and they're going hiking next weekend to take some pictures closer to the stars."

"I totally forgot about that! I'm honestly so excited, I love it up there."

"So Shannon here was telling me Corey's free that day. If you want to tag along we'd be happy to have you." My mom smiles.

"Photography is my second favorite thing to acting so I'd love to come." He smiled that eye-brightening smile again and I think my heart melted.

"We better head home." Mom said looking at the time. "Dad wants to eat out tonight as a family."

"Oh and Corey,Baylee has play tonight. We can't miss it."

Disappointed 'Alrights and okays' were said by us and we trailed behind our parents out of the studio.

"See ya Saturday?" I smiled cheekily.

"Yeah, Saturday." We hugged briefly and I kissed his cheek.

"Saturday just can't come quick enough can it?" He added glumly. I laughed out loud and headed towards our car.

My mom got in soon after I did and I fished through her purse for more gum and my phone that I asked her to hold since my shorts don't have pockets.

I felt it vibrate and opened the latest text.

555-555-5555: Tf do you mean Riarkle is Endgame? We went over this, Rilaya is Canon.

*name changed to Thunder xx*

Me: Can't argue with that logic. Just change my name to lighting because I made yours thunder.

Thunder xx: Just did. But smh, Riarkle. I can't get over your blatantly wrong ship.

Me: get out of you car and FIGHT ME!

Thunder xx: Too late we're driving past you.

I look out of my window to see him sticking his tongue out at me.

Thunder xx: Na Na Na Na Na, you can't catch me. Speaking of you, why do I still not know you're name?

Me: bc you won't fight me

Thunder xx: Well my mom won't turn around so I can fight you so this technically isn't my fault:/

Me: *shrugs* too bad.

Thunder xx: You infuriate me.

Me: Than I'm doing my job! How about this. I'll tell you my name and maybe kiss you for real Saturday. But you have to wait;)

Thunder xx: Like I said before, I can't wait for Saturday;$

Thunder xx: Damn it, I meant * ;)

|| A/N

Both parts together are over 1400 words yay. ||

Ps. Few facts about me!

•I'm 15
•I'm black so I don't add any details such and straight hair or skin color in these bc I don't want to assume any character was born with any feature bc the character is any and everyone who reads this story.
•I live in NC so no live tapings for me:(
•I run a tumblr and ig fan acc called farklesriarkle.
•My favorite season is fall bc LEGGINGS and thank god my school lets us wear them

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