Chapter Nine

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Twilight's POV                                                   (Yea I did that)

"Raven!"  I yelled for the tenth time.  I saw her drop, and it's been thirty minutes without any sign of her.  I felt tears slipping down my face.  It's all my fault, it's all my fault... Why did she throw me!  We could have made it...

No.  Stop.  She told me to go.  But go where?  I was so confused and frustrated I just sat down, my legs dangling over the cliff.  Maybe Raven would see them and find the inspiration to fly?  I laughed brutally at my own stupidity.  "She got struck by stupid Tabitha," I said, but I stopped immediately after realizing that she wasn't there anymore.  

"Tabitha?"  I called, my voice echoing down into the cliffs.  "Yes?" A voice said directly behind me.  I screeched and jumped up, nearly falling into the cliffs.  I turned around to see Tabitha, calmly floating in midair as though she had nothing else to do with her day.  I hated the look on her face, I could tell I was vulnerable and she could too.

"What do you want?"  I hissed, crossing my arms and squinting my eyes.  Tabitha laughed, making me feel like a child.  I uncrossed my arms and rolled my eyes before looking back down into the cliffs.  

"Oh, your friend is dead,"  Tabitha said, smiling.  "I have strong magic.  You should know that more than all people." She sounded so full of herself, it took all the power in me not to throw her in the Cliffs.  I clenched my fist, fighting the urge to punch her, but I knew that without magic I stood no chance.

"Your only strong because you stole my magic,"  I said, my anger from the past day boiling up to the surface.  Raven just got here today, and she already has been through more than what I've been in a lifetime.  I felt a single tear slip down my face before anger took over.  "Give me back my magic or I'll tell the entire village!"  I yelled. Tabitha only laughed.

"What proof do you have?"  She asked, bopping me on the nose.  Tabitha was older than me, she was twenty so she had more respect in the village.   I groaned as I face palmed myself.  "What did you hit her with?"  I groaned.  It couldn't get much worse than this.

"A Sun Shard,"  Tabitha said, examining her nails.  Never mind, it got much worse. "How did you manage to make that?"  I asked, and Tabitha chuckled.  "I can't tell you that silly,"  she said, stretching in her midair position.  "But let's get down to business,"  she said, her eyes shimmering with an evil tint.

I gulped, I knew she was good at negotiating.  "I'll keep you alive,"  Tabitha said, smiling.  "But you need to allow me to take your friend's magic.  

No. Absolutely not.  With magic like that, Tabitha could take over, and I knew she wanted to.  "No,"  I said shaking my head.  I paused for a minute before the curiosity took over.  "Why can't you just take it?"  I asked, peering up at her. "Why do you need me?"

Right at that sentence I felt Tabitha's vulnerability, and I realized just then why.  "Raven's more powerful than you,"  I said, laughing.  Finally, someone to beat this jerk!  Tabitha jerked her head forward before shaking it.  "Of course not," she said, the evil glint in her eye gone.  "And even if she was, she's dead now.  No way anyone can survive that, and even if she did she's never getting up out of there."

I relished in the moment for a little while before asking the question again.  "So why do you need me?"  I asked, and Tabitha sighed.  "Her magic is strong,"  She said, landing gently on the ground.  "If I were to give you your magic back, You and me both can get her magic.  I have made your magic stronger, so if you were to get it back you'd be powerful,"  Tabitha said, the glint returning.  

I could tell what she was trying to do, but I pretended to ponder it.  "Umm...."  I said, putting my finger on my chin and looking up at the sky.  "I'm going to go with... No."  Tabitha growled and took a step towards me, forcing me to take a step back towards the Cliffs.  "That really is too bad,"  Tabitha said, twirling a lock of her brown black hair between her fingers.  "You could have been useful.  We could have ruled together."

"Tabitha please,"  I said as we got closer and closer to the cliffs.  "You don't know what your doing."  Tabitha laughed before getting in my face and sneering.  "Oh honey, I think I do,"  She said, and with that she put her hands on my chest and pushed me over the side.

HAHAHAHAHAH Yea feel free to judge me for putting you through THAT torture.  Hehehe.   I felt the need to hydro update to make up for the three missing weeks... More to come though!!! Yay!!! Have fun having your minds tortured until I update again!!!!

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