Chapter Eight

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I gulped once more as inched closer and closer to the figure.  "Hello?"  I whispered, my voice cracking.  It looked like a female, and as I got closer, I could see she had strawberry blonde hair and pale skin...

"Twilight!"  I screamed, running towards her before sitting down next to her head.  Twilight's eyes were opened, and I checked her pulse to make sure she was still alive.  It was faint, but it was there.  "Raven,"  She whispered, smiling.  "Glad you came.  I didn't think anyone cared..."

What happened to you?"  I asked,  lifting her head up on my lap and off the cement.  I know we just met, but I felt close to this girl. She was the first person who looked at me as a friend. "Are you okay?"  I asked, and Twilight nodded, closing her eyes.  After a couple moments she opened them again  and looked at me, tears in her eyes.  I gulped as a single tear slipped out of her eye.  I'm not too good at comforting people.

"I ran out of magic,"  Twilight said sadly.  I gasped quietly, and Twilight closed her eyes, tears still streaming out of her eyes.  "Yea, I know,"  She said, sitting up.  "I don't know how it happened, but it isn't normal..."  I looked down at my own hands.  "Does everyone run out of magic?"  I asked, and Twilight shook her head sadly.  

"No,"  she said.  Magic fades, but you never lose it.  Raven,"  She said, new tears streaming down her cheeks.  "I'm scared.  I can't live up here if I don't have magic.  People always looked at me differently because of my hair and skin, but.."  Twilight paused, and I realized what she was saying.  She didn't look like other people here, so they thought she was a freak...

"Twilight,"  I said, patting her shoulder.  She looked at me with tears in her eyes and tried to give me a weak smile.  "I'm just going to hope it comes back by tomorrow or I'll miss work, then they'll know.."  she said, her words eventually fading into the air.  We sat there in silence for a while before I got up and stretched.  

"I wish I could help," I said, trying to think about how I could help.  We were drowned in silence for a little longer before my mind started straying.  "I miss Bear.."  I muttered.... Wait... Bear! I jumped up in the air and yelped as an idea came to my mind.  "Oh my gosh Twilight!"  I yelled at a very startled girl.  "Why don't I take you with me to look for Bear?"  I asked, clamping my hands together and pacing back and forth.  "Then no one would know you lost your magic, and I could find my brother!"

Twilight's eyes went wide and she started choking.  "Bear is your brother?"  She gasped, standing up too.  I nodded, surprised she didn't realize how similar Bear and I looked.  Twilight laughed and face palmed herself. "I'm such an idiot!"  She said, laughing.  "You two look exactly alike!  No wonder you and I bonded so well!"

I gave her a strange look and she held up her hands in defense. "No no I mean.. that isn't what I meant!"  She said, laughing.  "You see, Bear is just my.. well... boyfriend."

Now it was my turn to choke.  Bear  had a girlfriend and never told me?!  How rude!  Apparently Twilight could see my shock because she dropped her smile and took a step closer.  "He was going to tell you, I promise,"  She said, smiling.  "I've heard so much about you, I can't believe I didn't recognize you!"

I smiled before walking out of the alley, Twilight following me.  I didn't realize how dark it was before we came out of the alley, and when I looked up, it looked like we were so close to the stars we could just fly up and touch them.  I was tempted to try, but I had more important things to do.  "So where do you live?"  I asked as we walked in the general direction of where Twilight and I met.  

Twilight hesitated as she looked down at her feet. "Well..."  she said.  "Since I'm a rebuilder, I live in a.. camp,"  She said, ashamed.  I patted her shoulder in reassurance as we walked no where in particular.  "Since I didn't show up at work,"  Twilight said, wringing her hands.  "They won't let me into camp."

"It's fine," I replied, smiling.  "You can sleep at my house."  Twilight's mood seemed to lift tremendously as she smiled.  "Well, we are going in the wrong direction she joked, and we both turned around.  Twilight was about to say something before someone called her name.

"Twilight!"  A female yelled out, and I turned around, but Twilight sped up.  "Raven!"  She whisper yelled.  "Come on! Ignore her!"  I was surprised by Twilight's sudden rudeness to this girl, but I turned as well and matched Twilight's pace.  "Why?"  I asked as I fought the urge to look back. 

Twilight didn't answer my question but asked one instead.  "How strong are you?"  She asked, starting to speed up.  "Pretty strong,"  I said.  "But why is..."

I started to match her pace, but by this time I was breathing heavily.  I guess I was a little out of shape.  "I need you to carry... me,"  Twilight gasped, pointing towards a ledge about five yards ahead of us.  I nodded, though slightly nervous.  I've never carried a person before.  "Twilight!"  The girl yelled behind us.  She was getting closer.  "On three!"  Twilight said, ignoring the girl.  I nodded and slid my wings out, pre stretching them a little before shaking my hands out.  "One,"  Twilight yelled, looking towards me.  I nodded, urging her to go on.

"Twilight!"  The girl yelled.  Apparently she was right behind us.  "Two,"  Twilight said as the girl's footsteps got closer.  "Three!"  Twilight jumped in air and I caught her bridal style.  I was still running as Twilight adjusted into the most comfortable position. "You might want to get flying Raven, we're close to the cliffs!"  She yelled, and I gulped.  I started flapping my wings like crazy, and soon enough I felt my feet lift off the ground.  

"Yes!"  Twilight yelled, and I looked down at the girl we left behind.  She was still chasing us on her feet, I guess she didn't have any wings.  "Cliffs ahead!"  Twilight yelled, and I gasped as we flew over the highest cliffs I've ever seen.  I couldn't even see the bottom.  "Do the people on the ground see this?"  I asked, and Twilight shook her head.  "No,"  She said, and I gulped.  So no humans would find us if we went down there, but then again no one up here would either.  

"You'll regret this Twilight!"  The girl yelled, standing on the edge of a cliff.  I looked back just in time to see her conjure something up with her magic before throwing it directly in Twilight's direction.  "No!"  I screeched as I shielded her with my large wings.  A couple seconds later, I felt a sharp pain go through my body, and I looked back at my wing to see some type of shard sticking out of my wing.  

I gulped as I tried to stay conscious.  The pain was so bad, my vision was blurring.   "Come on Raven, almost there!"  Twilight yelled at me, and I barely heard her words of encouragement as we neared the other side of the cliff.  Just a couple more yards...

I wasn't going to make it.  I could tell.  The pain was too bad.  I tried to warn Twilight, but I couldn't talk due to the pain.  It was spreading to my arms, and I knew I was going to drop Twilight.  "Raven?"  Twilight asked as I lifted her with my dying strength.  "Go,"  I told her.  I got about three feet away from the cliff before I threw Twilight onto the other side of the cliff.  

"Raven!"  She screamed as my wings gave out and I fell to the bottom,  and I felt myself smile as all the pain went away, my body went limp, and my eyes fluttered shut.

OKAY SO THAT TOOK FOREVAH.  Yea, sorry about that... I was outta town for three flipping weeks and I couldn't update... Oops.  Yea, sorry for no heads up... 

Anyways!!! Sorry this chapter is legit trash because I was kinda suffering from writer's block... Don't roll your eyes at me!  It's true!!  I live in the desert, I have no inspiration!  

Don't stalk me.

Well hope you enjoyed this as it has about as much worth as a dead rat.  SO not much.  Anyways, I'm gonna go, I'll try to update soon!  Thanks y'all 

Angel Wings on Broken SoulsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang