She looked Machayla up and down. “I’m as good as one can be after her son’s girlfriend disappears without a trace. My son was worried sick and I refuse to tolerate this type of behavior any longer from someone who wants to get into this family….” She ranted on.

‘WANTS to get into this family?! Is she kidding me??’ Machayla thought as Mason’s mother continued to talk, so she started blocking her voice out.

“…..And furthermore missy if you think that you are going to-…”

“Hush up honey. You’re scaring the poor girl. I’m pretty sure that she has a good reason to why she left. Am I right Machayla?” Mason’s father interrupted. He smiled down at Machayla and grabbed her by shoulders for a hug. “You look stunning Kayla,” he whispered into her ears.

“Thank you Mr. Scott. It’s nice seeing you.” Machayla answered back.

He released her and ushered them into the house. The place seemed bigger then Machayla remembered. The whole house had a modern white, black and red look and everything seemed very abstract to Machayla but she was never one to care about others weird taste.

They walked into the dining room where the cook was setting up the long dining table. There was all type of fancy food that she could care less about and probably couldn’t even pronounce the names to.

“Mama did Mason come with that weird girlf-… Oh! Mybad…” Mason’s younger sister Gabrielle stopped abruptly as she turned the corner and noticed them. She walked up to Mason and kissed him on the cheeks. “Hey Mason.” She turned to Machayla , looked her up and down like her mother did and said “Machayla” with a obviously forced smile.

Machayla gave her a tight lipped smile and nodded her head. “Gabrielle.”

“Ok family let’s eat. I’m starved.” Mr. Scott quipped. Machayla guessed that he also felt the tension in the air. She and Gabrielle were the same age but went to different colleges due to her father being the Dean at the one that she and Mason attended. She didn’t want her father watching her every move so she left and went to school in California.

Supposedly she came back with a bratty, spoiled and judgmental attitude and her family and friends haven’t got the slightest idea on how to snap her out of it. In Machayla's opinin, she was probably was never a nice person to begin with. she was too much like her brother.


From the first time she laid eyes on Machayla, Gabrielle hated her for no reason at all. She would call her weird, a gold digger, a slut and so on but Machayla would never return the insults because she didn’t want to upset Mason. But if she could, she would fire back just as hard.

They all sat around the table and after the cook and maid finished setting all the food, they all but Machayla dug in. How could she eat with her stomach knotting up?

“Kayla sweetie, aren’t you going to eat?” Mason asked her in the sweetest voice that she knew was fake.

She turned to look at him next to her and saw how hard it was for him to hold up his demeanor in front of his family. She knew that he was itching to grab and hurt her and a part of her felt a little disappointed because he didn’t let his true nature show.

She stared into his eyes for a few seconds and answered a weak “Yes” before forcing herself to eat the stake that was place on her plate by Mason all the while chanting ‘I wish I was dead’ in her head.

The dinner was fairly quiet and they had small talk until Gabrielle open her mouth and asked “So Machayla, where were you? Why were you gone for a month without telling my big brother?”

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