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Chapter One: Just the Beginning

Life is full of mistakes, strung together like tiny glass beads on a necklace. The different types of mistakes are endless. There are ones that are your own fault, like not studying hard enough for an exam. There are also the ones that just happen, like being right under a pelican at the exact, unfortunate moment when it decides to do its business. But I think the worst, by far, is the type that others inflict on you.

The things you were never meant to see.

The moments that are etched into your mind permanently.

Today, I face type three.


From my perch on the moss covered boulder, I can see Parker dancing around the woods with peach juice dripping down her chin. A grin spreads across my face as I watch in amusement. She's always been so carefree.

Just as I begin to call out to her, I catch a glimpse of another person trudging through the leaf smothered grass towards Parker. She jumps slightly at the sight of the shadowy figure, but quickly recovers and wipes the juice off with her shirt shyly.

"Hey," she smiles.

"Hey back. How do you manage to look good even with fruit juice all over your face?"

I frown and strain my neck to see who this unknown stranger is. This is not the voice of her almost-boyfriend. Unable to see the figure's face, I sink further back on the mossy boulder and watch silently, unease stirring in my stomach.

Parker rolls her eyes. "Look, what happened was a mistake. I was just upset."

"Come on, don't think I don't see the way you look at me. You want this just as much as I do."

"I don't. Regardless, I'm not that kind of girl."

"I know. That's what I like so much about you. Just relax, Parker. You said yourself that it wasn't like she was ever going to do anything with me."

"Then end things! Until then I want nothing to do with you."


Finally, the figure comes into clear light and a gasp escapes my lips.

"What was that?" He tenses, jerking his head towards the area around my makeshift hideout.

"Maybe it was your girlfriend. It would serve you right."

He looks deep into her eyes, seemingly unaffected by her biting remarks. "You don't have to keep resisting it, Parker. What you're feeling isn't wrong. I feel it, too."

"And what exactly do you think I feel?"

"Let me show you," he murmurs as he grabs her waist and pulls her close to him, tearing my heart apart with each centimeter.

I watch in disbelief as I witness my best friend and my boyfriend kiss like I've never had the courage to kiss. Like they don't both have someone to be loyal to.

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