"Now to you" Melissa takes a step closer and Jas straightens up.

"Get out of my sight or you will be sorry."

Jas takes a step closer.

"I'm not afraid of someone like you, Melissa."

"Your choice but keep in mind, I can make your life miserable." hisses Melissa and turns around with her nose held high.

"She is scarry." one of the girls at the table says.

"I think you shouldn't have done that." Larisa the one next to her looks over her shoulder at a sulking Melissa three tables down the room.

"Someone had to stand up to her sometime." Annika the third one claps Jas on the back.

She smiles and the girls start eating again. While Jas is cool on the outside she can't lose the feeling that Melissa was not going to let her get away with humiliating her infront of everyone.

And she is right. The next class she has is together with Melissa and halfway through she gets a note.

You made me look like an idiot, you will pay for that! You worthless orphan would do good to know your place.

Jas crumples the paper up and throws it at Melissa.

"Jasmine Gibbs! We do not throw things at each other." her teacher scolds.

Melissa smiles smugly behind the teachers back. Jas narrows her eyes.

"Did you hear me!?" The teacher got red when she was ignored.

"Yes ma'am, sorry" that seems to satisfy her.

The rest of the hour goes by without another incident.

In the hall Melissa leans on Jas' locker.

"What do you want?" Jas looks her in the eyes but now that she was alone with the girl she realises that Melissa was much taller than her.

"I advice you to keep out of my way."

"So you keep saying. But it is you, who always comes to me. Believe me it would be a pleasure to not have to see you all the time."

Melissa steps forward and Jas takes a step back.

"Don't act like the tough girl, you're not. All you are is a motherless freak, a charity case a burden for everyone around you." the words are meant to hurt and they do. Jasmine has to swallow a few times.

"How do you know about my mom?"

"From my mothers files. She is a teacher and gets information on all the students." Melissa smiles cruelly, she knows the impact of her words.

Jas next class is PE and after she calmed down enough, she was on her way to the gym when a horde of girls sniggers behind her back. She turns around and the girls look the other way. Shaking her head Jas keeps walking and again there is sniggering.

It is during sport that Melissa strikes again. They had to sprint and when it was Jas turn Melissa trips her and she falls. The whole class starts to laugh.

"Whats your problem, Jasmine? Need help getting up?" Melissa offers her hand. That was the last strike. Jas sees red, jumps up and hits the taller girl in the face.

"Your pathetic, Melissa. Do that again and it won't be only one strike." she whispers.

The teacher only saw Jas hit the other girl and so she is send to the principals office.

He wouldn't believe her version of the events and send her to wait outside for her guardian to pick her up.

Half an hour later Gibbs steps inside the school and asks his way to the princilpal.

Not looking at his charge he walks right in the office. After a few minutes Jas is asked to join them.

"Jasmine Hutson, you are suspended for the next three days. If you hit an other student again I will be forced to resort to stronger measures."

"But I told you she started it." Jas looks pleadingly at Gibbs.

"I'm sorry for her actions but I strongly doubt she hit that girl without a reason."

"Be assured agent Gibbs, I will be talking to her and her mother. Here are a few sheets with Jasmines schoolwork for the next three days."

Gibbs takes the papers and turns to Jas.

"Lets go, Jasmine. We'll be talking at home." he grabs her arm and pushs her towards his car.

"Gibbs please... I had a reason, really!"

"Then tell me!"

She stays quiet. She doesn't want him to think about Melissa words and see the truth behind them.

So the drive is tense and the next words spoken are infront of Gibbs house.

"Jasmine do you even know what trouble you caused? It's not just getting suspended at your first day back to school. I had to leave a crime scene because of you. Go up to your room! I'm there in a minute."

With tears in her eyes Jas jumps out of the car and runs to her room.

A/N: Thank you Bobbi_Anne for correcting my errors.

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