Chapter 3// "brothers friends"

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                  Jasmine's POV
I laid down at 4pm and woke up to my "neighbor" jamming to music, it's 7 and I'm a little grumpy now.

I don't really care how I look right now, my hair is in a bun and my hair is like a little sexy, I'm wearing sweats and a pink sweatshirt.

  I walk over to my "neighbors" and knock. He doesn't answer cause he can't hear me. I knock louder and then I hear the music turn off. Can opens the door and looks at me with a smile.

   "Hey sleeping beauty," he says and winks at me

    "No I'm not. You knew I was sleeping didn't you," I say with a mad look on my face,

   "Cool down tiger, no I didn't." He says and looks at me scared.

      "Don't tell me to co-" I say but then I see a cute guy come from behind cam.

    "Hi I'm Taylor," he walked past cam and shakes my hand and winks.

  "Hi, I'm Jasmine" I feel my cheeks getting warm, and they turn pink,

  "Nevermind, you can keep the music up," I said to cam and smile at Taylor. I walk to my room.

After about a half an hour I walk out to the living room,

"Hey me and Doug are going out to dinner, there is something in the oven  and the kids are watching a movie, cam and Taylor are at the store. My number is on the fridge, call me if anything goes wrong." Says Sharie walking to the door,

  "Okay, have fun! Love you guys!" I say and walk closer to them,

   She looks at me and walks over to me and gives me a hug, " I love you too sweetie!" She says and walks out the door.

    "The oven beeps and I go and get the food, lasagna! YES! Kids," I yell, they come rushing in and sit down,

  "Thank you JuJu!" They all say together,

I sit down and eat my food. The boys walk in after about 10 minutes. I'm done with my food, so I get up and start to wash the dishes.

   "What for dinner neighbor?" Cam says as he's hanging up his keys.

   "Lasagna, why?" I say and stop washing the dishes

   " cause, I wanted to know," he says and comes over to get food, Taylor comes over too. Oh my lord. Taylor is so hot. God. I just pay attention to the dishes and not him.

   "Where are the silver wear?" He whispers in my ear, I turn around and whisper in his ear,

  "I know you know where they are" I say in his ear and dry my hands off and walk over to the kids. I take the kids dishes and wash them, after washing the dishes I lay the kids down for bed cause it's 9:30. After laying them down cam and Taylor are in their rooms so I go to the living room and put on a movie. After about 20 minutes I pass out.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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