Chapter 1// the move

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                         Picture of the new house up there ^^^

                     Jasmine's POV

             As I'm sitting in the car listening to three days grace I'm thinking, 'I hope This one will be okay'. As we pull up to this brown two story house I look in gaze. I see three littler kids poking their heads out the living room window. They are so cute!!

      I see this nice couple walk out and look at me, the man is about 6'2 and the women is about 5'8 or '9. I open the door and get out, they look at my out fit as if it's inappropriate. I'm wearing holster jeans and a shortsleeve aero crop top that goes to the middle of my belly button and white high top converse.

        "Hi I'm Jasmine," I say shaking their hands with a smile.
        "Hi sweetie, I'm Sharie and this is Doug," she point at the man next to her,
        "Well hi Sharie and Doug!" I say
    I turn around and give my old foster parent a huge hug! I'm gonna miss him so much!
       "I'm gonna miss you so much Dad," his name is Ron by the way.
     " I'm gonna miss you too sweetie! Give me a call anytime! I love you and be safe! No boys, got that?"
     "Yea I got that." I say laughing and rolling my eyes.

     Ron gets in the car and drives away, I grab one of my bags as Doug grabs my two boxes. They take me upstairs to my room, it's pink. No. I hate pink. Ugh. This is not okay.

    As I set my things on my bed I ask where the bathroom is, Sharie shows me my way to the bathroom and I get in and lock the door. After I go pee I walk to my room, I start unlocking my things. I put a picture of me my dad and all my siblings on my nights stand right next to a purple alarm clock.

    I walk downstairs and Sharie asks me to go to the kitchen,

  "This is Bella, she is 7, this is Elijha, he is 5 and this is Jordan and he is 8" she says pointing at the kids,
   "Hi guys, I'm Jasmine, but call me JuJu" I say crouching down and smiling.

   After meeting the kids I help Sharie with dinner, we are having steak, salad and pasta. And I gotta say the steak looks so good!! I haven't had steak in a very long time cause my old foster parents were vegans.

    As I set the table Sharie asks me why I'm in foster care. I explain why and she apologized for asking. I mean I really don't care if people ask me but it's just hard to explain sometimes. As I sit down at the table I hear the front door close,
    "I'm home! Sorry I'm late hunter couldn't give me a ride so I had to wa-" he stops as he sees me at the table.

  "Who are you?" He says with a smirk on his face.

   "Cam, what did I tell you! I told you that your suppose to be home by dark! And look. It's dark!" Sharie says in a calm voice,

  "Sorry mom, I didn't realize it was dark. It won't happen next time, I promise!"  He says as sitting across the table from me.

   He looks at me and winks, I roll my eyes and dig into the steak.

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