Chapter 2// neighbors

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Picture of my room up there ^^^^^
                 Jasmine's POV
*knock knock* I hear on my door,

   "Come in," I yell as I take my head phones off and put my pencil down for drawing.

   "So your my neighbor?" The kid from the dinner table said as leaning against the door frame.

  "Neighbor?" I say with a concern tone

    "My room is right next to yours" he says walking into my room.

    "Oh then yeah. Sure. Neighbors. So what do you want?" I say rolling my eyes.

    "don't roll your eyes at me and I wanted to introduce myself, so, hi I'm Cameron, Cameron Dallas, your neighbor" he said and winked.

   "hi, I'm Jasmine Holland." I say and put my head phones back in. I pick my pencil up and start drawing again, he walks out and shuts the door.

          Cameron's POV

Neighbors. She's a pretty hot neighbor.

Sorry for the short chapter:)

My foster brother (Magcon fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें