I shook my head ignoring my random thoughts. Exhaling, I slapped my hands onto my cheeks.

"Calm down Ethan. He was just a random person who you will never see again"

I nodded to myself, hitching my bag on my shoulder.

I'm glad that I've met good people like Alex and Kai, but I don't want to attach myself easily. I'm not ever sure how long we'll be staying here before my parents move again.

I sighed, placing my hands in my pockets.

Just when happy things are happening..


Once I located the building I have my class in, I pushed the doors leading to a large hallway. I looked around to see only a few students lingering around. I entered walking to the nearest bulletin board where random pieces of papers were pinned. Some were english and some in Japanese. It was mostly event announcements and I did a quick look.

Join the Music Room Club! Share your talent.

Hello! Are you into writing? Join the Writers Club!

Be one of a kind! Please join the Exquisite club!

I chuckled with the last poster. What type of club names itself exquisite? They sound interesting.


I look to my right side where a petite cute girl stood, smiling at me.


Was all I said before looking back at the bulletin board.

"Watashi wa Maya desu."

I look back at her. She was still smiling. Is she trying to make conversation with me?

"I'm sorry but I don't speak Japanese."

She grinned, suddenly holding onto my arm. I just looked at her. What's happening?

"I see. No worries!"

Oh, She can speak english.

"Your english is quite good." I commented as I tried to subtly remove her tight grasp on me.

Her eyes lit up, she looks so happy. She looks high..

"Thanks! I've been practicing because I wanted to impress Arex- kun."

I slowly nodded, giving a tight smile. "That's nice." And I have no idea what you're talking about. Please let go of my arm.

"Maya-chaaaaan!" A bunch of girls called out of nowhere, making her let go of my arm.

I clutched my arm closer to my chest, rubbing at the spot where she grabbed it. She's small but strong. Never Judge a girl based on her size.

"Minna-san!" She waved her arm trying to get their attention. While she busy with that, I immediately made my escape and thankfully she didn't notice.

I quickly searched for my room not stopping at all. Who knows if that Maya girl decided to follow me. Good thing I didn't say my name.

The class was huge, and wide. There was a small podium in the front where I'm assuming the professor will be at. I took the seat nearest to the front. I looked around to see that there weren't a lot attending the class. But my eyes was quick to notice a certain petite girl entering the classroom.

My eyes widened in panic. I ducked my head, hiding under my bag.

Please do no see. Do not notice me. Let me die. I slowly chanted in my head.

"Hey there again!" Maya's excited voice greeted me, as she took the seat beside me.

I sighed before I slowly raised my head, mustering a smile. "Hey again."

She smiled widely, "I forgot to ask for your name?"

I winced internally. She seems like a nice girl, but she's too hyper for me. Oh well.

"Ethan Lively."

She grabbed my hand, shaking it. "Maya Uzamaki. Let's be friends."

My smile faltered. Her smile blinded me since all I can do is nod just as the professor entered the classroom.

She let go of my hand, sitting up straight. She nudged me, her eyes still looking ahead, "I'll help you with your Japanese." She whispered with a wink.

I simply gave a thumbs up. I hope my decision wouldn't be jinxed in the end.

After Class..

"I'm hungry. Let's get something to eat!" Maya suddenly announced, grabbing my hand once again before practically dragging me towards the cafeteria.

"Uh.. I'm not really hungry though." I quietly protested to which Maya didn't hear.

So I let her drag me. People are probably giving us weird looks now. I ducked my head to hide my face.

"I heard the chicken sandwich is good." Maya tapped her chin, looking at the sandwiches offered. I just stood beside her, patiently waiting for her to buy something. This'll probably take forever. Maya has now a tray as she grabbed a variety of sandwiches.

I could escape again, except I found out that we have almost all the same classes. Well, she has the same major as me, except she has advanced classes which I don't.

I took out my phone to keep myself busy when a hand came out of nowhere, snatching it away from me.

"Hey!" I glared at the thief, only to be met with a playful smirk.

It was Blake. Again.

I gulped as he brought his face closer to mines, "Found you."

I was wrong, he isn't a random person I'll never meet again..

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