End of part 1 - Report Filed, Case 408 secured, Operation stage 2 in process

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Case File # 408-DR

Status: Confidential

To the Director and Associates of New York Intelligence Leads,

This is to inform the authorities that Case #408-DR is locked and all access systems are secured. Until further notice, this case is rendered close, with no further leads. This top-secret information is limited and kept as safe as possible. Stage 1 is now clear.

Our subject is way too valuable to be used as bait or to be sent back. All interrogative factors taken into considering, all relevant information has been revealed to our subject. The murder case of Daniel Rickson, Cara Rickson and their daughter Alana Rickson, 7pm of the eighth of June, has no further evidence to further investigate. Their cause of death, as reported on their death certificates is a gunshot wound, aimed to kill, making it clear that it had not been a terrorist attempt or an incident of target killing. Time of death reported is nearly the same for all three victims, with the same gun's bullets used to kill. As to our suspects, this remains a strong link to the same opponent that has been agitated for a long time.

Subject was given a brief account of what happened that night, who we are and why we have agreed to protect her; given the next target of the group will be her. She had been lured to the crime spot, however, she did not make it till there, therefore she had not been targeted that night. However, she was found near the warehouse, drugged and unconscious and unable to remember anything. We did not disclose why is it imperative that she is kept safe or who we suspect, given that her mental state is not compatible for due information. She was shown all necessary files, death certificates and was adamant that the funeral was performed in front of her. It was surprising; our subject took the information well. Her abilities of keen observation and quick intake were commendable.

Our subject is now under the conditions of stage 2. She is released from custody and is going to be transferred to a place where we can monitor and she can successfully fake her death. She is going to be moved to the academy on 13th of June, where she starts as a regular student, until further operation. She has been given a new identity: Ashleena Blair Evans aged sixteen the only child of the parents that died in a car crash when she was eight. We believe she can be trained in the academy, the safest option.

All further information has been kept confidential, even in the academy. Only two of our well trained agents are allowed an insight at the situation. It is best if others are unaware.

Until then we can say we have been successful in saving the last of the Terricks.

And it can be safely said, the blueprints are secure. The Petrakins have failed, again.

Yours Truly,

Asian agency,

PK Network.

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