Abdullah was still talking while moving towards the bed. Sitting in the bed he again looked at the closed doors of the dressing room and then at her bag placed on the couch. Two books were out and she had planned to take them in her hand. Something climbed into his mind and he tore a rough piece of paper. His lips were moving for others and his hands for someone very special. He knew that he could not do anything to make her happy but this was in his capacity.

After another ten minutes Kinza came out and Abdullah was nowhere in the room. She sighed and got busy in applying moisturizer on her face. It was seven already and her exam was about to start in two hours. She had to recall a few points so she decided to move towards the lawn. Climbing the stairs she witnessed many statements of love. Ammi kissed her cheek and the two sisters were filling her mouth with the sips of her favourite juice. Her condition got better somehow but the rhythm of melancholic feelings was still travelling through her body.

Controlling herself she moved to the lawn and took that particular chair. The same fence of bougainvillea shadowed her and study became more difficult. She was not able to concentrate fully. Every time he made his way through the pages of that purple book. It was now getting out of her hands so the dams broke and tears cascaded down her cheeks profusely. A sudden wave of pain gripped Abdullah who was looking at her from the terrace. It was enough to see that she had picked the same chair after a great thinking effort of thirty seconds but now when she was crying then he forgot every lesson told to the heart and climbed the stairs in a hurried manner. The corners of her dopatta were wetting and the cold breeze was tingling on the damp lines on her face. She was hiccupping but when the blurred vision declared the person coming closer she was ashamed. He was getting closer and she was unable to seal the tears in his memory. Abdullah sat closer to her on the next chair and looked at her. Her tears were speeding but her palm was wiping them ruthlessly.

"What happened?" He asked even after knowing the mere reason.

Placing the back of her left hand tightly on her lips she replied, "Nothing. I am fine."

"Tell me." He insisted.

But what she had to tell to him? She had nothing to satisfy him. She had many reasons for those tears but her prestige never allowed her to do it.

"I am good. No need to take any worries."

"Are you going to tell me or should I start doing any other technique?" He asked.

She lifted her watery eyes to his face and her heart told to say yes. She wanted him to use that other technique although being unfamiliar with it. She did not know what that technique was; wiping her tears, telling her the reason for that modest behavior, looking in her eyes, pulling her closer, or to rest his forehead on hers.

Again the stream of that salted waters started flowing and she was helpless. The person sitting beside was observing her every move and she never wanted him to know her reasons. She wanted him to take a step forward but handing him the kryptonite was not possible.

"I am totally fine. This question was disturbing me. I have read the whole case but the financial modeling is not possible without the solution of this probability step. I am weak at probabilities, since forever." She said while placing her finger on her favourite, easiest question. She was not telling a lie. She had never been good at probabilities; not of those in between the toughest mathematical questions but of her life, their life.

"Let me see it." He said while taking the book out of her lap and she just stared at his handsome face.

"It is very easy. Look you need to assume that if the company tries to..." He was explaining the steps but her eyeballs were travelling through the moves of his lips. He was now trying to get the back page of her notebook but she was not that Kinza at that time who used to scold everyone who dared to write on the last page. She was changing as he was the most important person to her. He was her love.

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