Author's Note.

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Warm greetings everyone !

Sweet people, spin off of ' A Kiss ' is here . This is the story of Skylar and Chase . I hope you will support them as much as you did April and Tyler.

This is a stand alone novel , no need to read 'A kiss' if you don't want to. But if you did it would be very sweet of you.

So, This is my second story that i am happy to share here on wattpad. Prior apologies for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.Please I request everyone not to be harsh because it takes a lot of courage to start something new. (And i can be a little scary sometimes . Just kidding. Not.)

We all live in real world and face real ups and downs in life and hence we look for escapes.
This story is my escape from the real world. So it may be cheesy or cliche but it is what i want it to be.

Thank you everyone who is reading this. I hope you like my story.

Seeking for your support.

© 2016 by Zeel Patel. All rights reserved.

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Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information contained herein, the author assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of information contained within.


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