Chapter 4

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Your pov...

I woke up really early since the time was 4:30 and I saw William and I still hugging and I smiled.

I got up without waking him and went and  got dressed and went down stairs only to find Sebastain

"It's been 10 years and you still won't sleep?" I ask and he laughs

"What are you doing up so early?" He asks

"I wanted to do something me and you did back in the past and go meet my old friend."I say

"who?"he asks

"Come I'll show you" I take his hand and I still remember the place and run the to place where Nightmare lives but when we got there... His home was destroyed and a building was placed over it

"n-no"I said

"oh you meant nightmare don't worry about him I found him in a cave which is his home now once In awhile I bring him food and water I started that ever since you left the planet...."he says

"Thank you" I say and hug him he was shocked at first but he hugged back.

"Come I'll take you to him" and he takes me to a cave and I call out

"Nightmare it's me ____ I'm back"I say and then out of no where nightmare jumps on me and starts licking my face

"I missed you to bud"I say crying

"I told him about why you were gone"Sebastain says and I nod and nightmare gets off and I hug him

"I missed you so much pal, you also grown big" I smile
(Picture above)

Sebastains pov.....

_____ started talking to Nightmare about everything..

But when she hugged me it felt weird I never have been hugged like that.....she says she has changed but she hasn't ....I smile at that..

"______ we must go before William and the others start to panic that your gone."I say and she nods and says goodbye to nightmare.

Williams pov....

I wake up and remember ____ and open my eyes to find her not next to me!

I thought she was here

Omg she gone missing!!!!!

"_____s gone!" I yell and Grell and Ronald and ciel get up and try finding her then the front door opens and we all stop and see Sebastain and _____ walking in

"Omg we thought we lost you!!!" Grell said running to her

"Oops I guess you were right.." ____ tells Sebastain

"Where were you two?!"I ask

"We were meeting up with an old friend"she says

And I nod but I still want to know more.. Sure I trust Sebastain but he still was half the cause of ____ being sent away.

"So what shall we do today?"Sebastain Asked

"Well we might as well get more information about IT before it comes here"ciel said and everyone agrees but ____

Your pov......

It's bad enough that IT is coming to this world to kill them so why talk about him....but it might be the best.

"So anything important we need to know about IT?"they ask

"He is stronger than a reaper and a demon, once he finds prey he is stuck to that creature and will never eat anything else until IT killed the prey and I'm the prey,
IT creatures will kill all of the preys friends and family to get the prey weak and sad and as I know sadness is ITS favorite emotion to eat...." I say

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