Chapter 3

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"IT is coming...."

Your pov......

"Are you sure IT is coming and it's name is IT?" William asked

"It's a weird name but yea, I don't know if it's a girl or boy."I say

"Like Grell?"William says and we both giggle

"Hey I heard that!" Grell said walking in

"Ok so what do we do?" Ciel said and everyone walked back in

"Well as I said go find a place underground and stay there"I say

"Well if IT comes to our planet won't it hurt or kill the humans or other creatures?"Sebastain asked

"No IT is only after the ones I know and care for and since that is you guys u better hide."

"Why would being underground be better?"

"Well because when he caught me I was put underground  and as I started to crawl away IT lost my scent and tracks and every other time he caught me I was set underground and I always told him I hated that and now he won't even try to find me there" I explain

"Wait why did you hate the ground? Isn't it just dirt?"Ronald asked and everyone looked at him with a 'wtf that's a stupid question' look

"Well i don't know if the underground  from this world is the same from the other but there were purple fire hitting you from the top and bottom."I say and they all looked shocked

"When is IT coming"William asked

"Well I feel IT near but then again I don't know how far out our  planets are..but maybe IT might come in two days since IT doesn't have a ship to come...."I said

"Well ok then for the time being Lets party! We could have a welcome back party for you ____!!!!! Hehe" undertaker said

"What's a party?" I ask

"YOU DONT KNOW WHAT A PARTY IS!?!!!!??!!"Grell and Ronald yelled

"I'm sorry but were they always this loud.?" I ask and ciel and Sebastain and William nod but undertaker was busy with something?

"Let's go and get you cleaned up!" Grell says pulling my arm and taking me inside a weird looking thing.

"What is this?" I ask

"It's called a car isn't it cool you don't need horses to pull it"Grell said and then every one got into two of these cars and we drove off to a familiar place all red and I remember it "isn't this. Your house Grell?" I ask


"I haven't been in a house in years!!!" I say

"What!? Then where did you sleep or put your makeup on or take a shower or do anything!?!"Grell says

"Um my world was a flat world no hills or mountains or trees or anything." I say and Grell almost faints

We came to a stop and Grell pulls me out and into the house and all the way up to my old room and it was still not fixed with the broken the mirror the sheets, i remember this it was the time I lost control of my powers ...

"Come now deary"Grell says and pulls me into a bathroom and gives me a bath.

Sebastian pov...

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