Fresh start

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"Jessica! Get down here!"My mom yelled

My name is Jessica. Jessica woods. I'm 19 years old and I live in Texas. I graduated high school last year and have been pursuing my dream of becoming a youtuber. I have 200,000 subscribers and I love what I do. I live with my mom in a small 2 story. My parents got divorced when I was 7 and I haven't seen or heard from my dad since. My mom has been looking for a job, seeing as we can barely afford the house we live in. Most of the friends I had in high school are either in college or are planning to go, so I try to collab and hang out with them as many times as I can. I kept in touch with a few of my closest friends from high school, and the rest of my friends are small youtubers like me. I started filming videos when I was 15, cause I had dreamed about it since I was 7 and decided that if I couldnt afford college, I might as well do something I love that I could make some money to help my mom and I with. We only have enough to get things we need like food and drinks and things like that.

I was in my room on my computer editing one of my videos when my mom called me downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back

I walked downstairs to see my mom sitting at the table with letters scattering around her and her computer in front of her.

"Come sit down, I have some news." She said.

I sat down nervously, trying to think of what the news could be.

"You know I have been looking for a job for quite some time now....." She began.

"Well, I finally found one that pays 10 times more than what I get now!" My mom finished with a bit of sadness in her voice

"Yay! Oh, I'm so happy for you mom!" I yelled as I got up to hug her.

"Jessica.... There's more" she said

I sat down nervously and waited for her to continue.

"It's... It's in Los Angeles, sweetie" she said looking for my reaction.

I sat there, processing the information I had just gotten and letting it sink in.

"We- We're moving?" I said sadly.

Yeah, we don't have the best house and we have no family here, but I grew up in Texas and have so many memories here.

"Yes, sweetie we are moving. I already bought a huge, furnished, 2-story in a really nice neighborhood with what I am making and what I was saving up for quite some time now. I know it's a big change, but it's beautiful over there and we will finally be able to buy a new closet full of clothes." My mom said, trying to cheer me up.

I was happy I could finally collab with some of my favorite youtubers, and it is beautiful there, but I would miss my friends here in Texas.

"Jessica, since it won't take us long to pack the little things we want to bring, I bought us plane tickets with the money I have from selling the house and we are leaving in a week from now." My mom said excitedly.

I could tell she was happy to have a fresh start, seeing as though she doesn't know much people since she has been working non-stop since my dad left, and also because my dad still lives in Texas.

I tried to be positive, I mean a fresh start did sound pretty awesome to me.

"Okay, I'll start packing" I said, heading up to my room.

Let me know what you guys think of the first chapter and if you would like me to continue! ❤️❤️

Also if anyone could make a cover, with a kian lawley picture and the story name, that would be greatly appreciated :)

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