Part 16

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Richelle prov

I ran home as fast as possible I reached home and I felt safe again.

John: Richelle where have you been
Liam: yeah where have you been Richelle
R: I ran home as fast as I could
Luke: but at your running speed if you left at 8:30 you would have been back half and hour ago
R: um...well...I...ur got held back
John: no you didn't
R: yeah I did
John: your left eye twitches when your lying
R: no it doesn't
Liam: it just twitched
Luke: so what were you doing
R: fine I have a boyfriend

They all look at me like they've seen a ghost or something.

Luke: Richelle you have a boyfriend?
Liam: since when
John: it must be someone she really likes because she's pretty much turned down all the boys at school
R: yes I have a boyfriend since today
John: and......who is it
R: it's Noah ok
Liam: oooooohhh
Luke: yeah you can date Noah, I like him he's awesome at video games
John: yep you can date him
R: since when did you guys get a say in who I date?
Liam: come on where your big brothers
Luke: yeah and Noah's cool
John: and his really nice
Liam: Luke I believe you owe me $20
Luke: fine
R: what you guys had a bet on who I would date?
Liam: yeah I thought it would be Noah but Luke thought it would be Josh
Luke: Liam just shut up

I had dinner and then went to bed. I hope by running home I didn't show our uncle where we live.

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