Part 10

112 5 1

Richelle prov

I was walking down the hallway in the tns studio. I couldn't get my mind off Noah and how I think we're friends again. He hangs around every night at the bus stop with me, it's really nice of him. I can't let him get too close, I can't let him find out my personal life. Only few people know my family, my cousin and a friend I have had since I was 5 years old. I trust those people with my life. I don't tell many people because it scares them and they suck up to me and give me attention, some think I can't handle it but there all wrong. When I was younger Noah use to come around to my place, I always told him my parents work from 6am till 11 pm and they checked on us at lunchtime and he believed me. I turned the corner into studio B and I couldn't believe what I saw it was Amanda and Jake from B troupe making out. I got out of there but I don't know what to do Noah's getting cheated on but he really likes Amanda. Why is there so much drama this is going to be hectic. I was basically speed walking down the hall when I bump into Noah.

N: hey Richelle
R: hey.......Noah
N: I was just heading into studio B for some practice do you want to join me?
R: Yes NO!
N: um okay
R: I mean I would be happy to but not in studio B
N: why?
R: um well what about studio A?
N: Alfie's in there, are you ok?
R: why wouldn't I be ?
N: well your acting a bit off
R: no I'm not
N: why don't you want me to go into studio B
R: um......well
N: I'm going to practice
R: wait don't go in there

Noah prov

Richelle is acting very weird so I left her and went to open the door

R: Noah don't do it
N: Richelle I'm going in
R: but

I opened the door and I'm shocked. Amanda is cheating on me. How? What? When?why? This can't be happening.

N: AMANDA!!!!!!!
A: Noah it's not what it looks like
N: where done!

I walk out of studio b. I'm so angry and I look and see Richelle still on the floor where I knocked her over. Now I know why she told me not to open the door.

R: I'm so sorry Noah
N: your fine Richelle, you where just being a good friend

I helped her up, our faces where nearly touching, there was a moment there where I wanted to kiss her but I tried to ignore it.

R: do you want to go and get some juices
N: sure why not

I'm still angry but I think Richelle will help me take my mind off Amanda

Complicated Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora