Chapter 7

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Do y'all like the new turn for the story? Its now gonna be a mystery/greyson chance story.


Chapter 7

*Sara's POV*

I think Greyson now thinks i'm crazy. I thought he was the one person I could trust with my feelings.

"So, now you think i'm crazy, is that correct?" I asked hoping that he doesnt think that. I twisted a piece of hair out of habit when i'm nervous.

"No, Sara, I do not think that." Greyson replied holding out his hand, wanting me to grab it and hold it close to my heart.

"Really?" I said looking at him threw my eyelashes.

"Of course sweetheart.If you think theres anothr reason why your mother died. I will help you find out." He said tipping my chin up with two fingers and gently put his warm lips onto mine.

We went walked up to the park and climbed up a oak tree and stared into the sky while Greyson wrapped his arm around my waist and help me close, never wanting lose me

After staying like that for 15 minutes, Star had to interoupte(sp?) the peace by making my phone go off and making me almost fall out of the tree but Grey cought me in time.

Where the hell are you two? its been what? a half hour. -Scar

We're at the park. calm the fuck down. -Sara

I looked at Greyson and jumped down from the tree, He followed.

We went back to the house and stepped inside.

"Hey." Fang said.

"Hey." Greyson said.

"Well, i'm gonna go to my room and work on some stuff."  I headed upstairs and put on my pajamas


I hope that while I'm doing my homework, Greyson,Fang, and Scar can bond. They never gotten along since we all met. . .

Heart Like Stone ~Sequel to This Is My Dream And I'm Living It~Where stories live. Discover now