Chapter 34:What a "Funtime" together!

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FnafTaleWorld:Fredbear keeps tryin' to make me update ma story for some darn reason,but ah guess ya can 'ave another update for now...wait why did I have a country accent?Whatever go on.

Transitioning to...The Mysterious Cave

FnafWorldTale:Oops,I did it again...
Foxy:Darn it,this is ta 68th time he did it again.
Bonnie:What are you talking about Foxy?
Foxy:I'm talkin' about the transitioning of course!
Foxy:AAAAARRRRRGGGGH!!!!Marionette,where are we?
Marionette:The lilypad!
P.Marionette:We're in a cave Marionette...
Foxy:See what I mean?!
T.Chica:Alright just calm down.
N.Foxy:He will eventually.
N.Bonnie:Hey guys,we have a lot of members on out team,you know?
N.Chica:Yeah that's pretty obvious.
P.B.B:Stop talking chicken!
N.Chica:I'm a duck!
Springtrap:How many more animatronics are we missing?
T.Bonnie:Uhh...1...2...3...4...5...6...ehhh I think that's all.
T.Freddy:You just said numbers...
T.Bonnie:I forgot their names.
W.Foxy:When do I get a cove?
W.Bonnie:S-s-soon F-f-oxy...
W.Chica:W-well,who knows how to get out of here?
Crying Child:I-I *sniff* don't know...
P.Freddy:I like it in here.
Nightmare:How long have I been excluded from these conversations?
P.Chica:How am I suppose to know?
Springtrap:Well we need more than jus talking,HEY AUTHOR!
Springtrap:We need to fight something!
FnafWorldTale:Like what?
Springtrap:A new member!
Springtrap:I'll call you something you won't like.
FnafWorldTale:Like what?
FnafWorldTale:...Thank goodness this isn't Hetalia,fine let me spin the random character generator.

The Random Character Generator lands on...

???:Hey wanna have a "Funtime" together!?

Springtrap:Oh god why this person?

Funtime Foxy appeared from the darkness.

P.Mangle/Mangle:Do you have the same problem like us?!

Funtime Foxy:You mean that gender problem?


Funtime Foxy:Well,I don't know my gender,so I chose to be a female!

P.Mangle:...Then I'll be a male!

Mangle:You do have a point Funtime Foxy,I'll settle on being a female.

Funtime Foxy:Yaaaaaay!

Funtime Foxy Joined The Party

Springtrap:Is that really it?


Transition Ending,brought to you by Mr.Dad Guy.

FnafWorldTale:Hey guys,how is it going with your life-good?Okay then.Now I'm thinking about bringing back one of my old stories which is not completed,back to life.If no suggestions are given,then I'll focus of this story instead.However,if the one of my stories gets 3 or more votes,then I'll bring it back.BYE(9-9)

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