Chapter 20:What a weird fellow indeed

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What should I say,I keep on doing the same team name...crew,or Team?...I don't know...but I guess we'll doing the lame term "crew,"...again...

The crew then walked closer to they're next member,hearing this weird radio sound...well it sounded bad...and no music was playing...oh well.

Withered Bonnie:What's t-t-t-that noise?

Springtrap:What noise?

Freddy:Springtrap,your suit is sort of soundproof,so yeah you can't hear it.

P.BB:It's a sort of radio that has really bad music.

Springtrap:*Thinks of the Six Little Ducks song*Oh god,don't be that

???:Oh yes it is!

*They all looked over to the person who was yelling at Springtrap...IT WAS PHANTOM MANGLE*

Springtrap:...Well it's better than what I thought.

N.Chica:Guys...I can't tell the difference...

RXQ:What do ya mean?

Golden Freddy:*Garble garble*

RXQ:Oh,yeah I can't tell if that's a boy or a girl either.

P.Mangle:My gender doesn't matter! can get annoying if they don't know your gender.

P.Mangle:Then what's yours!?

Mangle:C-Can't you tell!

They then started to argue

Freddy:This will take some time guys.

Nightmare:I can tell,because this debate seems endless.

Nightmare Freddy:Well at least they're not insulting each other-

Crying Child:T-They're insulting each other now...

P.BB:Is it best if we stop this?

Springtrap:For the first time in my said something NOT annoying.

Le time skip because to much insults by Mangle and Phantom Mangle*

Mangle:Ugh,how about you just join our team?

P.Mangle:Fine...just tell me your-

Mangle:Unless you tell me your-


All(except Fredbear):...How did you get there?

Fredbear:That doesn't matter,but there will be a boss ahead.

Freddy:What boss?

Fredbear:I names him Bouncer,because he bounces...WITH MINIGUNS!

Chica:Are we supposed to attack that?

Fredbear:Yes,and relax,it's just snowballs.

Fredbear Vanishes

Well...this is going to be a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG day.

Ending Transition brought to you by BassDrop(Would you like some music?)

FnafWorld1234:Hello there everyone!Thank you for waiting for this update,and thank you for the many reads for this story,500!...or over 500...well that's still good.Please check out my followers,AND the ones i'm following as well.BYE(9-9)

???:This will be obvious to say,so I'm gonna say this instead...I do not look like that,OK?Good.

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