"What would you like, Michael?" Luke turned to face Michael, and immediately noticed Michael's distressed look. "What's wrong?"

"People are staring at me," Michael whispered.

"They're not staring at you, they're staring at me. Don't worry." Luke said and shrugged. "So, what do you want?"

"I'll take a caramel latte, thanks," Michael said quietly.

Luke ordered, and handed Michael his coffee as they left the shop. Michael took a long sip of his drink.

"Doesn't it bother you when people stare at you?" Michael asked quietly.

"Not really, I'm kinda used to it."

"Oh," Michael said simply. "What do you mean you're 'used to it'?"

Luke shrugged. "I get weird looks every day. Hey, we're here," Luke pointed at the huge building in front of them.

"Is this where you live?"

"Yeah. Oh, by the way, I live with my friend," Luke said and took a sip of his coffee.

Michael soon felt even more nervous. "Y-you live with someone?"

"Yeah. I mean, I can't live by myself."

"Why don't you live with your parents?"

Luke soon looked very sad. "Can you hold the door open for me?"

Michael opened the door, and Luke mumbled a 'thank you'. Luke moved over to the elevator and pressed the 'up' button. Soon the doors opened and Luke wheeled in, followed by Michael. He pressed the 7th floor button and The doors slowly closed.

"What is you roommate like?" Michael asked.

"You'll see."

The elevator arrived to the 7th floor, and the doors opened slowly. Luke wheeled out at pulled out his house keys. His apartment was number 145. Luke opened the door.

"I'm sorry it's kinda messy here," Luke apologized, throwing his keys on the table.

"Luke, you home already?" Someone yelled from the livingroom.

"I told you we would come here!"

A tall boy with dirty-blond hair peeked from the livingroom. When he noticed Michael, he quickly disappeared to what looked like his room. He soon came back wearing glasses.

"Hey, I'm Ashton. Nice to meet you," the boy said, reaching his hand towards Michael's to shake hands. Michael grabbed his hand and smiled. Strong grip.

"Michael," he introduced himself. He examined Ashton from head to toes; messy curly hair, black glasses, plain white t-shirt and grey sweatpants, and friendly features. Seemed like a nice guy.

"Do you guys want something to eat?" Ashton asked, holding the phone. "I'm just ordering chinese."

"I could eat," Luke said and glanced at Michael. "Do you want anything?"

"Sure," Michael said and smiled softly. Ashton called the chinese restaurant, and in half an hour the doorbell rang. Ashton went to open the door and paid the delivery guy.

"Guys, the food is here!" Ashton shouted. Michael and Luke were sitting in the livingroom watching Stranger Things on Netflix. When they heard Ashton calling them they paused the show and hurried to the kitchen.

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