
368 14 9

Sydney, Australia
August 18th, 2016

Michael had been friends with Luke for two days know, but he felt so close to him already.

Luke had invited Michael to his house, and Michael was nervous. He knew they were just going to hang out, so he really didn't have to be nervous. It was probably just something about the wheelchair. What if the chair broke? Michael can't repair a wheelchair. What if Luke falls off the chair and hurts himself? Michael is too shy to call the ambulance.

Michael's phone was charging on his nightstand, and he was asleep on top of his laptop. He stirred slightly in his sleep. Soon he woke up to a crash, followed by loud swears. He yawned, and checked the time before getting up and walking out of his room.

Calum was in the livingroom, packing his stuff. He left in three days, and was beyond stressed. He mumbled a 'fuck' every now and then when he struggled trying to get the zipper shut.

"Do you need help?" Michael asked quietly.

"No," Calum said. This was the first time they spoke to each other in days.

"You sure? That looks like you could use a hand."

"I'm fine Michael. Go back to bed. It's only 10 am."

"Uh, actually, it's 2 pm."

Calum glanced at the clock. "Well shit."

"It's good that you woke me up anyway, I have to be somewhere in an hour," Michael said, leaning on the wall.

Calum stood up from the floor. "Let me guess, the coffee shop?"

"Kinda. I promised to meet my friend there and then we'll go to his place."

"Wait, you actually obtained a friend?" Calum asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. His name is Luke."

"What does he look like?"

"Blond hair, blue eyes," Michael stopped to think for a while. "And he sits in a wheelchair."

Calum stared at Michael in confusion. "Really?"

Michael nodded.


"He hasn't told me."

Michael glanced at the clock. "I better go take a shower now, or else I'll be late."


Michael walked down the road, and even from far away he could see Luke already waiting for him. Luke was on his phone, and he had headphones on. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a white tank top. He also had a cap on his head, and black army shoes. Michael was also wearing black skinny jeans and a red flannel. He had black converses and his hair was all messy. He couldn't get it under control, so he just let it do whatever it wanted.

Luke lifted his head, and noticed Michael. A smile formed on his face, and he waved. Michael waved shyly back.

"I'm sorry if I'm late," Michael said, stopping in front of Luke.

"No, you're not late, don't worry," Luke said. "Do you want to go inside and grab a coffee or something?"

Michael nodded in response, Luke moved over to the ramp leading to the coffee shop. Michael followed him inside. He soon realized people were staring at them. At him.

Michael soon felt really insecure. He knew he was unattractive, and he knew he was fat. He instinctively wrapped his arms around his tummy, trying to hide himself. Luke didn't even notice the people staring.

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