Chapter 4 Lubberly?

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'Drop down on a desert ride'

'Just outside the 95'

'Never felt more, more alive'

'I got my chicas by my side'

Natalie's ringtone blastes through my room. I blindly search for my phone on the dresser. When I can't find it I reach farther and slip off my bed landing with a hurtful thud on the ground. Something falls off my dresser and hits me in the head. That's one way to wake up.

"EARTHQUAKE!!!" my stupid brother yells bursting through my open door. He laughs when he sees me on the ground tangled up in my duvet. I take off my eye mask and glare at him.

"Woah Casey you need to lose a few pounds I heard that from my room." He stuffs a burrito in his mouth still laughing.

"Idiot your room is right next to mine of course you'll hear you moronic douchebag" I untangle myself and search for the diabolic object that almost knocked me unconscious. Ah it was my phone. "Why is Natalie calling me?" Axel shrugs "beats to me" he says with a mouthful of food. Yuck. I stand up and call her back. I motion for Axel to scram but he doesn't budge. I shove him out and slam the door.

"Music to my ears" he sings outside the door.

"Sup Casey" Natalie yells through the phone. I cringe and put the phone a good amount of distance from my ear

"Why are you yelling" I yell through the phone.

"Because I'm blow drying my hair! Why are you yelling!" I cringe again and set my phone down on the dresser. I don't bother putting it on speaker. She's loud as it is.

"Because your yelling!" I walk in my closet and ponder what to wear. It's a Saturday and I'm going to the mall with Axel and Nickolaus. When I came home from the party last week Axel starting grilling me about Nickolaus and I told him we were just friends. He didn't believe me and kept lecturing me playing the role of big brother. "He's gay Axel" Axel stops mid sentence and nods his head. He puts his hands on his hips and keeps nodding his head "oh" ever since then Nickolaus came over every day and got along with Axel and Natalie.

"Oh right! Sorry about that I'm almost done!" She was going to an art gala with her parents. That's why she isn't tagging along with us.

"Beige or white?" I ask Natalie.

"White" she yells. I strip down and pull on a white sundress with a pale pink bow at the waist. It's see through at the color bone that's button down and has a collar. It's was a birthday gift from my mother.

"Wedges or sandals?" Natalie finally turns of the blow dryer and says something. I put her on speaker and tell her to repeat what she said.

"Wedges" I slip on black wedges and pull my hair into a high ponytail. I put some white rose earrings and apply light makeup.

"Hold up I'm going to Skype you okay"

"Alright" she answers.

I hang up and call her on Skype, she answers. I prop up the phone on my dresser and I spin showing her my outfit.

"Lovely! Okay my turn" she spins and I clap.

"Bravo!" Shes wearing a black dress. It's stops below her knees and it strapless. Her long beautiful hair is pinned up in a elegant bun.

"You look wonderful as always" I comment. I sit down on my computer and wheel over to her.

"TIME TO GO EVANGELINE!" Axel yells from the garage. I roll my eyes and Natalie giggles. "If I tie him up in a chair and hide him in the basement you'll have my back right?"

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