I wasn't drop dead gorgeous, but I was decent enough that I considered myself pretty. I was the average height of 5ft 9in, with brown eyes and dark brown hair. My rounded face did nothing to make me look as intimidating as I really was. I recently cut my hair just above my shoulders, shaving the bottom half to suit my style. It was obvious I didn't fit in in this town, so I didn't bother trying. Being the only person at this here without a stick up their ass made me more desirable than deserved.

I checked my watch to see I only had minutes before I was considered late and that greedy Mrs. Jones would probably cut back my paycheck. I made my way into the building, putting out what was left of my smoke and moving towards my locker in the back room to get changed for the day. Don't get me wrong, as much as I rebelled against almost everything I had integrity and my job required me to complete my designated hours.

"You're late, Ms. Williams." Mrs. Jones sighs as I stroll past her and to the front desk.

"Bite me," I shoot back, sliding into the seat by the front desk to start the paperwork for the upgrade the machines. No one used them except for myself and some guys from the high school. I figured they were jocks and preparing for the season coming up.

"Good morning to you too," She continues as glaring at me, "You've got a class at ten on self-defense, and you're on clean-up duty tonight. You know, to make up for being late."

Upon saying that, a wave of disappointment washed over me and a disinterested grunt slipped out of my mouth. I pull out my earphones and place the buds into my ears, hoping to drown out another long and tiresome conversation with my boss. I was two minutes late to sign in.

My inner silence is soon broken as I feel a tapping on my shoulder. I groan and open my eyes, turning around.

"What?" I snap to Rachael Matthews, one of the pilates instructors. She has a class in about five minutes so why the hell is she bothering me. I just managed to finish ordering the new equipment and was moving on to do the finances of this place.

"So Listen, Wade's throwing this massive welcome back party tonight. He just graduated and I knew you guys were close in high school so I'm just passing the message on."

"Holy shit! He actually went to College? That asshole owes me a beer." I give her a rare smile and a hearty laugh, remembering the mischief we use to catch onto in senior year together.

"I heard he partied so hard they have him on a legendary board at his frat house. Just come, free booze, hot guys, or girls, whichever you prefer obviously," she giggles nervously. I gave her a nod before turning back to my work.

She had me at free alcohol.

One nine hour shift later and two hours working out after closing time and I was exhausted. I walked the isles cleaning equipment, sweeping floors and taking out the trash before locking up and turning the lights off. Barely anyone showed up for the self-defense class but I worked with who I had. One of my students, Riley she called herself, would flinch every time I raised my hand towards her. I could only assume what went on in her life that she ended up in that practice room. I gave her my card, a bottle of water and hope today. It was all I could do, and it felt like it amounted to nothing.

I wasn't always like this believe it or not. When I first got to this town I was hell bent on doing something more in my life.  A surgeon was the dream. College was a pain in the ass and I ended up dropping out after the second year. All those bitchy and stuck up students trying push you down did not sit well with me and like my dean put it; can't get through life punching your competition in the face so I moved on. I work two jobs now, at this stupid gym and downtown at a tattoo parlour. As for my current career choice, I continue to punch people in the face.

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