She quickly made an omelet and folded it with cheese in the middle. She was thinking to serve it in the room as he was awake but still dozing off when she told another servant to get him ready.

Placing the plate in the tray with two hot mugs of coffee the cook followed her. She stepped out and found Abdullah sitting in the dining room. Her heart jumped in excitement. He was visible to her from the corridor reading the newspaper and she was twisting her fingers. Slowly taking the steps towards the dining room she adjusted the diamond ring and entered in the room. He lifted his eyelids and a beautiful curve appeared on his lips. He was amazed when he didn't find her sleeping in the room. His eyes had searched for her desperately but when the servant informed him of her guidelines he was overwhelmed and now he was sitting there.

"AssalamoAlaikum." Lowering her eyelashes she said.

"Walaikumassalam." He replied while his eyes travelled through the dimensions of her face.

"Please place it here. Thank you so much." She turned a little to the cook and instructed him.

Abdullah was just trying to understand what she was doing. He turned his neck to the cook and the tray in his hands.

"Sir, Ma'am made this and did not let me do a single chore." And Kinza was busy suggesting some punishment for the man.

He turned at her and asked,


And she was answerless. He was inquiring her but deep inside his heart was enchanting at the act. He was overwhelmed on her reaction for his stupidity yesterday. He wanted to steal some more moments like it. A new breeze was entering in his dull life and the plain stencils of his heart were being filled up with beautiful colours.

"Sit here, please." He switched his thoughts and invited her.

She dragged a chair and placed the plate in front of him. He picked the fork and knife and cut a symmetrical piece of the folded omelet. Piercing the fork into the egg a smile had encircled his lips. He pulled his arm to her mouth and the omelet gently touched her lips. She nodded in disapproval but he forced the fork into her mouth. It was for the first time that she made the cheese omelet. She was not fond of such recipes but the first morsel by his hand was a blessing indeed. Her taste buds were forgetting to recognize the flavor as his eyes were making her senses stagnant. He was now taking a piece to his own mouth and she was regretting on less salt.

"Delicious!" His eyes shimmered and she was amazed.

"I think you should sprinkle some salt." She said hesitantly.

"Why?" He spoke while chewing. "It is perfect. Tell me why you did it all."

"I did nothing. I wanted to give you the medicine so it was necessary." She clarified.

Abdullah felt as all those bruised scars had vanished. Her trembling voice was snatching his senses and he was having a hard time then. Somebody was there to care for him.

"I am grateful. And yes, coffee is exactly what I wanted since ages. Tell them the recipe, please."

Kinza smiled at his comment. The whole scene was so serene in every aspect. He was sitting in front of her sipping the coffee made by the immense love. Some of his messy hair was dropped on his forehead and he was looking so classy in light blue shirt with denim. She was just staring at him and the smoke erupting from the hot coffee was making him look like an artistic portrait. Blowing air to the coffee she created some waves in the cup and he just lifted his head. The hair was tied in a neat braid and the stray strands were touching her earlobes decorated with tiny studs. At that moment he desperately wanted to pull that dopatta on her head off but he lowered his head and smiled.

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