You get hurt

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Dean : you're 8 ) : you were once again at a hotel with your dad and Uncle Sam . For your birthday your dad got you a scooter and right now you were playing on it in the hotel car park . Your dad of course was watching you , you never know who's watching . "Look at me dad !" You yelled . "Yeah N/N I'm watching " he replied , suddenly you lost control of the scooter and you flew off . You fell to the ground scraping your left forearm and scrapping both your knees . Your dad saw this and ran over , you started crying. "It hurts dad" you sobbed . "Come on sweetie " he said , your dad picked you up and brought you inside . He bandaged you up and gave you a kiss on the forehead . "Thanks dad" , "anything for you baby " .

Crowley : your 9) : you were at home with your dad , Crowley had to deal with some disobedient demons so he left you in the care of his hellhound Juliet . You were playing fetch with Juliet .You threw the ball across the room and Juliet chased it . "Come on bring it back!" You yelled , Juliet came running back but got so excited she started jumping all over you .
"Juliet stop!" You laughed , then she scratched you . You screamed , your dad was instantly there .
"What happened ?!" He asked quickly going over to you . You were crying . "I w-was playing with Juliet , S-she got to rough and scratched me" you cried . Your arm was bleeding so your dad healed you . "There you go princess " he said wiping your tears away . "Thanks daddy" you sniffed .

Castiel : you're 9 ) : you hated school , not the school work but the kids . Everyone picked on you . Everyday they would taunt you and push you around . One day a girl you barely knew stalked you to the girls bathroom .
"What do you want?" You asked fearfully . The girl beat the shit out of you .
After you had a black eye , sore arms and a limp .
When you got home your dad instantly saw , he didn't know about the bullying .
"Y/N what happened ?" He asked . "I-I uh girl at school cornered me in the bathrooms and-" before you could answer your dad was at your side and hugged you , finally it all got to you and you cried . Castiel comforted you . He healed your wounds and promised to get your angel uncle to help him deal with your bullies .

Sam : you're 11 ) : you found Christmas lights in the garage of the bunker . Your room was kinda boring looking so you decided to decorate .
You found glue-tac and started hanging up the lights , you were using an office chair .
As you were hanging up a strand of lights the chair
gave way from under you and you fell .
You landed on your wrist , you heard a sickening snap and PAIN like you wouldn't believe .
You screamed . A second later your dad burst through the door , gun raised . He saw you on the ground clutching your wrist . "What happened ?!" He asked . "My wrist" you cried .
Luckily your dad knew a broken bone when he saw one and he knew how to make a cast . "Thanks dad " you said . "What we're you doing Y/N ?" He asked . You made him follow you back to your room , you switched on the Christmas lights lit up (F/C) (fav colour) . "Huh next time get a better chair and let me help " .

Gabriel: you're 13 ): you were in the lolly aisle at your local supermarket . Your dad had to quickly grab something he forgot leaving you there alone .
You had a good look at all the chocolate, sour lollies and basically everything . You suddenly felt someone behind you . You turned around and there was a man in his thirties standing behind you ,
he grabbed you .
Your dad trained you things like this but you had never got into a situation like this before , you froze . He pulled you to the back of the store ,
he got you to a place where no one could see you or him , you freaked out . You got out of his grip but he got you and slammed you into a wall . You cried out .
The man pulled a knife on you threatening to slice your throat open if you made a sound .
He started to choke you , you gasped for air .
You prayed for your dad to save you , saying how scared you were . A second later you heard a flutter of wings .your  Dad was standing behind the man ,
he pulled him off and beat the shit out of him . Pissed off didn't begin to describe how he was feeling . You fell to the ground and cried , your dad eventually stopped . He came over to you and hugged you . "Baby , your safe now daddies here " he said softly . You hugged him back but continued to cry still shaken from the event . He vowed never to leave you alone like that again .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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