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  Frisk ran off. I tried to follow her but failed. I walked back to Toriel's place.
  Toriel was crying.
  "I tried to call Frisk, and a guy said, 'No' on the phone and hung up."
  "H E I S G O N N A H A V E A B A D T I M E!" I said angrily. "Let's get this to Alphys, she can trace the call."
We walked to Alphys's laboratory, and she traced the call to a store near the lab. I teleported there, completely forgetting Toriel.
  "Ok. Now, call this 'Future Boyfriend' dude."
  "F-f-fine." Frisk said.
  My phone began to ring. I blushed bright blue, smashed a window, and ran in.
  Grillby stood in front of Frisk. I summoned Gaster Blasters.
  "Whoa whoa, calm down we staged this to let you know how I feel." Frisk said.
  "You feel...you mean...I-uh-"
  Frisk cut me off by kissing my nose.
  "Um...Knock Knock?"
  "Who's there?"
  "Goat who?"
  "Goat with me?"
  "Yes, Sans, I will."


  That was truly what I wanted, to be with Sans. Now all I had to do was explain that to Grillby. As if on cue, Grillby came over.
  "Be right back!" I said to Sans, who was still dazed.
  "Mmhmmmm..." He responded.
  I dragged Grillby out.
  "Right, now it's time to stop faking it. I don't want Sans to literally murder you. No more being my fake boyfriend, no more lying that you took me for this."
  "Ahh, I don't want it to be fake anymore though Frisk." Said Grillby. He pushed me up against a wall and burnt the side of my face. "Mine."
  "SANS!" I yelled, before the world went black again.


  "SANS!" I heard Frisk yell.
  I ran into the room she was in with Grillby.
  She was unconscious on the floor, with a burn on one side of her face.
  "WHAT DID YOU DO!" I yelled, summoning Gaster Blasters.
  Grillby isn't going to bother Frisk anymore.


  I woke up in an unknown room, on a bed, so I did the most normal thing to do. I screamed.
  Sans ran into the room in less than a second.
  "Are you alright?"
  "Where AM I?"
  "In my room, I had nowhere else to put you. Oh you've never been in here before, have you..."
  "Ok how did I end up in here."
  "Grillby hurt you. I brought you here after Alphys said you would be ok." Sans explained.
  "Ow." I said, bringing my hand up to my face.
  "Oh right that. I have something for that."
  Sans put his hand to my face, and it felt colder, and finally it felt completely normal.
  "Sans..." I said, trailing off.


  "Frisk. How did you end up here? Everyone who climbs Mount Ebott disappears. Were you curious, was it fate, did you...?"
  "I wanted to disappear." I explained. "I never wanted to see humanity again. I didn't want life to continue. I went to Mount Ebott to die."
  "Do you still want to?" Sans asked.
  "No." I smiled. "Not anymore."


  "Goodnight." Sans said, walking out.
  "Please stay?"
  "Ok." He said. He sat on a chair nearby, and soon enough, the two of us were asleep.


  When Frisk fell asleep, I woke up. I was extremely uncomfortable in the chair, so I climbed into my bed with Frisk, and fell asleep hugging her.
  When I woke up, I noticed Frisk wasn't there, I walked downstairs to see Papyrus.
  "G'morin' Papyrus. Have you seen Frisk?"
  My eye glowed blue.
  "GRILLBY?!" I yelled.
  "Pap, I gotta go find Frisk." I called Frisk's phone.
  "Sans...I have to be quiet. I am in the basement of Grillby's."
  I went to Grillby's, and sneaked into the back room, sprinted down the stairs.
  "Come on Frisk, I could make Sans jealous. He'll love you more for the effort."
  "No, Sans doesn't need to be made jealous."
  "I could check if he's cheating."
  "He isn't."
  "That burn recovered, I could fix that..."
  At this moment I ran into the room with Gaster Blasters, and a full out flame from my eye.
  "I thought you learned last time. I always find out!" I yelled. Frisk whimpered.
  "You scared your girlfriend. What a great boyfriend."
  "GET OUT OF HERE!" I yelled. Grillby ran out.
  "Frisk! Are you alright?"
  "You can do all that..."
  "Yeah I'm sorry. Next time Grillby asks you to do something like that just do it. I'll understand, and I'll be there to help you." Frisk smiled.
  "I love you."
  "I love you more!"
  "I love you most!"

A/N 800 words!

So This Is Determination {Frisk x Sans}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ