This is halloween? (Part 1)

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He kept waking, head in hands, hardly sure of what he was going to do, or where he was going into the woods, but he felt like he should keep moving forwards, and away from where he used to call home.

He saw the grave stone he was looking for and paused beside it, patting his leg. His old departed dog, Zero, rose up from it and floated beside him, barking happily and nuzzling against Phil's leg. A small smile creeped onto Phil's lips and he patted Zero's head.

"Good dog." he mumbled. Zero barked joyfully in response and they kept walking.

"What am I gonna do Zero, it's all too difficult," Phil said sadly and Zero whined along with him, understanding his emotions. "I just need to clear my head and get away for a while." He said finally, and they kept walking.

Phil looked up at the moon shining through the clouds and thought of how different it would be if he lived up there, anywhere but Halloween town. But there wasn't anywhere else he could go as far as Phil was concerned, so he just kept going with this afterlife, hoping he could get through it, even if it was for eternity.

His eyes were starting to close, his steps getting more heavy and he sunk into a heavy sleep, still trudging on through his dreams of greys and pale blacks.


Phil opened his eyes to sunlight, the grey-golden beams streaming through the broken trees around him as he realised he was still walking, blinking his eyes a few times to adapt his glazed eyes to the new brightness.

He had never been in this part of the forest before, it was greener, less dead and decaying. It was enthralling to know not everything here was dead.

"Morning Zero." he mumbled groggily, still walking forward. His conscious was able to rest but his body never did, it just never needed to.

Zero barked happily in return, and Phil picked to a stick from the floor, frowning when he realised he was still in his Halloween suit, flat ironed out collar and his immaculate jacket and trousers still marking him as the Pumpkin King when he wanted to be just Phil.

At least he still had his faithful black converse on, no one had seemed to notice when he changed them last night.

He threw the stick far ahead of him and Zero darted off after it, yapping happily, making Phil smile a little. At least Zero was content in his afterlife.

Zero's yaps turned into barks a few seconds later, and Phil stumbled forward, worried something was wrong. He saw a group of seven trees in a circle, and Zero was in front of them, barking furiously at them all. He saw Phil and flew behind him, whimpering but still barking occasionally.

"Shush Zero calm down, everything is okay," Phil told him confidently, but he was curious. He had never seen anything like this, nothing so fresh and well, alive. "Stay here okay?" Phil told him, and he halted where he was, looking up at his master with big round eyes, his shiny nose dimming slightly. "Don't worry, I'll be fine, I'm just looking." Phil told him reassuringly, and stepped through one of the gaps between the trees.

The weird thing was, these trees had paintings on them. (All apart one, but it seemed to be part of the circle anyway.) Bright colours Phil wasn't used to were splattered across them in abstract designs. What was that? A giant bird of some kind? And that was a weird green plant. There was also a tree with decorations seeming to cover it. Things from memories he couldn't place. They all had parts jutting out as Phil span around, gazing at them all, and then he realised; They were doors.

Each had a small handle and something inside Phil made him want to turn each one and see what was behind these paintings. It was nothing other than strange. He stared over them, wondering if he should pick one to open first, one that seemed safe. His eyes lay on the tree, the bright green and gilt ornaments inviting him to try out what was behind them, to turn the shiny gold handle and just take a peek.

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