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the sky was starting to darken as the clouds rolled in. thunder could be heard in the distance. in a nearby castle, a certain blond boy was distracted from his book. he shut his book and walked towards the window, leaning on the window sill with his elbows.

with his chin resting on his hand, yoongi watched the clouds pass. a bored expression soon appeared and he scooted his chair towards the window, opening his book back up.

a storm began, and rain covered the windows of the castle. the light from the flashes of lightning occasionally lit up the dark room, thunder crashing and booming afterwards.

the room was too dark for yoongi to read, so he looked back up and out out of the window. another lightning bolt hit the ground, and yoongi jumped. his eyes widened and he looked to where the lightning once was. he could see something falling and knitted his brows, puzzled.

he rubbed his eyes and quickly looked back up, but he still saw the thing falling. he quickly walked over to the door and threw on the long coat his mother bought him. afterwards, he made his way to the front gate, grabbing his umbrella from the rack near the door.

"u-uhm, sir, w-where are you going?!" one of the butlers stuttered, walking on his heels. yoongi turned around to face him and calmly replied.

"in the fields. i'll be back by sundown,"
the butler stuttered before shaking his head and stomping off, muttering to himself. yoongi continued to walk outside.
jimin slammed into the ground, causing an indent in the ground underneath him. after awhile, he woke up, slowly fluttering his eyes open. it didnt take him long to figure out what happened, and it didnt take long for the pain to start again. he slowly sat up, his body shaking.

he was soaking wet, and his clothes weren't helping, huge rips and tears everywhere. he couldn't tell if the water drops on his face were raindrops or tears. he decided they were both. he shivered and rubbed his arms slowly, still in pain.

he thought he would be alone for awhile but he found he was wrong, faintly seeing someone with an umbrella coming in his direction. he looked down and groaned, the pain starting to get unbearable. the person soon was very close to him, and he looked up, silently gasping when he saw who it was.

jimin was shocked, but yoongi was even more shocked. here in front of him, was an actual fallen angel.

"are you alright? are you hurt?" yoongi spoke up and kneeled down next to jimin. jimin stared at him blankly before snapping out of it and quickly answering him.

"y-yes i'm- wait no, n-no i'm not," jimin sputtered, gasping in pain again.
yoongi quickly checked jimin's arms and looked at the rest of his body to make sure he wasn't really hurt. he gasped at the sight of the open wounds on his back and looked back at jimin, worried.

jimin shuddered from the rain and looked away, holding in more tears that threatened to fall. when he heard a bunch of rustling though, he looked back over. yoongi had taken off his coat and was reaching it out to jimin.

he stared at it before reaching out and grabbing it. he tried to put it on, but kept wincing in pain. he sighed, frustrated, and started to cry. he hid his face from yoongi and rubbed his eyes.

yoongi wasn't giving up though. he opened the coat and gently tugged on the sleeve of jimin's shirt, silently asking jimin to lend him his arm. jimin turned his face away and allowed yoongi to put his arms through the sleeves of the coat.

the coat was soon all the way on and buttoned. yoongi slowly lifted jimin up so he was standing, keeping a gentle grip on jimin's wrists in case he fell.

"can you walk?" yoongi asked, taking a step away from jimin. jimin quickly nodded, stepping towards yoongi. yoongi smiled gently and let go of one of jimin's wrists, grabbing the umbrella. he put it over the two of them and walked jimin back to the castle.

two butlers greeted yoongi when he arrived, and yoongi quickly asked them to treat jimin's wounds and give him a room to sleep in for awhile. they quickly followed his orders and walked jimin to where they kept their medical supplies. jimin followed, wincing every step.

yoongi sighed in relief when he heard that jimin would be okay. when he could, he walked into the room where jimin would stay. jimin was under the covers, warming up.

yoongi smiled gently and walked over to the bed.
"hello, i don't think i ever introduced myself. my name is yoongi," yoongi greeted.

"i'm j-jimin, u-uh, thank you," jimin smiled and reached his hand out for yoongi to shake. yoongi instead politely kissed it.

"it's nice to meet you, jimin." yoongi continued. he smiled again, this time wider, and jimin could faintly see what appeared to be fangs.

aaaaa eghhhhhdjdbdodngof yep
- jadey!

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