"You can start by cleaning up whatever Bumblebee just did!" He said as he pushed them to the hallway.

Miko and Jack grimaced as they thought about it. They decided not to argue seeing as the older man was pretty angry. Raf quickly followed not wanting to be in the doctors way. They walked down the hall and heard him yell at Smokescreen for laying in the middle of the floor. They got to the kitchen and found the mess which Jack and Miko quickly cleaned up. Raf walked around looking for the scout. He found him sitting in a corner knees drawn up to his chest and his head buried in his arms.

"Hey Bee." Raf said quietly. The young man looked up slowly. He was really pale and looked awful. He grabbed his stomach and looked at it.

"Don't worry it won't last forever." Raf said as he smiled a little. Bumblebee put his hand on his throat.

*Fire.* He signed then grabbed his stomach again. Raf nodded and got him a glass of water. He drank it quickly, but then turned to the side as he lost it. Raf put a hand on his shoulder as his friend knelt there. When he was done the scout wiped his mouth and stuck his tongue out in disgust.

"Aw Bee." Miko complained. The scout looked up at her apologetically as he started shaking a little.

"It's not his fault." Raf said as he glared a little.

*Water.* He signed and coughed.

"We can try, but it doesn't look like you can keep anything down." Raf said as Jack handed him another glass. He drank it slower but still couldn't keep it down. He started dry heaving. Raf looked up at Jack slightly worried and Bee started to panic which made it worse.

"Wow! Calm down." Jack said as he set a hand on his shoulder. Bumblebee eventually stopped but he felt tired from trying to empty his stomach.

"What in the name of Cybertron is going on!?" Arcee yelled as she walked in. They looked up at her in surprise. She stopped as she saw them.

"Um..... Bee, Smokescreen and Bulkhead have the stomach flu." Jack said. The scout smiled nervously up at her, as she folded her arms.

"Well let's get you to Rachet." She sighed as she tried to help him up. He shook his head and clutched his stomach.

"You can't just sit here the whole time." She muttered. They helped him up and made their way to the main room.

"AAW!! Smokescreen!" They heard Rachet yell.

"Orry...... Oc." he responded. They entered the room and set Bumblebee on an empty berth.

"Don't call me Doc!!" Rachet snapped.

"I'll go find Optimus." Arcee said before disappearing. The kids looked at each other unsure how to help.

"You three!" They jumped as Rachet snapped at them. "Why are you standing around!?" Unsure what he wanted them to do they each went to see what the patients needed.

A couple minutes later.

"Rachet! Optimus is throwing up!" Arcee yelled down the hall. The kids heard the medic bang the desk and they jumped. They looked at him in surprise. Rachet slowly glanced over his shoulder and gave them a look that could kill.

"I think thats our que to go home." Miko whispered.

"No.... we need to help.... this is new to them." Jack said as he looked at the other three.

"Do you think Rachets sick and that's why he's..... on edge?" Raf asked quietly.

"Nah, that's just Rachet." Miko said before walking over to Bulkhead.

Later that day Arcee started feeling sick and the kids realized they were stuck at the base. Unless Rachet took them home, which wasn't going to happen at the moment. Jack called his mom and told her what was happening.

A half hour later she came over with some medicine. Rachet grumbled angrily at Jack for not doing that in the first place. Mrs Darby gave him instructions on the medication and helped him check on the others. Afterwards she took the kids home, which they didn't complain about. They did say they would be back the next day to check on them. Rachet grumbled something but they couldn't make it out.

Two days later...

The kids had helped Rachet again with the sick team, which they didn't enjoy. They were more than thrilled when they got to the base and everyone was feeling tons better. Rachet grumbled angrily after they arrived and walked out of the room.

"That was horrible!" Smokescreen said as Raf handed him some toast. He looked at it suspiciously then at his stomach. He got up and walked out of the room to stretch his legs.

"Does that happen often?" Bulkhead asked as he raised an eyebrow. The kids looked at each other.

"Um..... not necessarily..." Jack said as he gave some food to Arcee. They handed everyone something to eat and water so they would feel better. Optimus sat on the stairs and rubbed his face tiredly. Miko walked over and gave him a glass of water.

"I guess you could say it's an Earth tradition." She said as she smiled at the Prime. He gave her a look but didn't say anything. They suddenly heard someone running down the hall and Smokescreen stopped in the doorway eyes wide.

"Guys! Rachets sick!" He said. The others besides Optimus groaned. The kids looked at each other and smiled nervously.

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