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song//death valley-fall out boy 

9:16 AM

"we should-uh-start walking," aria nervously smiled, feeling pleasure from him carefully brushing through her-already tangled-hair with his long fingers.

luke fake coughed, "yea. yea you're right," gently, he moved his arm down and placed the short dirty blonde back on her feet.

fuck, i should've kissed her. was the only thing that he could pay attention to between all the different conversations happening in his mind. they all clashed together, but that one stood out.

they began to walk to where aria had supposedly seen a target on her way to the hotel. supposedly it was about one block away from where they were right now. luke stayed behind her a little bit just to stare at her ass every now and then.

his excuse to help him feel not as guilty being the fact that he was a guy.

aria turned around and began walking backwards, walking slowly. waiting for him to catch up.  she didn't expect a guy with legs as long as luke hemmings'  to be this slow, "c'mon," she giggled while holding her arm out.

luke admired her beauty for what felt like .5 seconds, but was apparently long enough for aria to ask if he was okay.

luke took a larger step to stand next to her and he looked at aria, smiling. white, fluffy clouds occasionally covered the sun, but when they disappeared, the sunlight hit aria perfectly and her eyes were so crystal blue it was mesmerizing.

aria knew he wasn't going to make a move, so she slowly laced their fingers together. he gripped back before she could fully grab his soft hand. aria laughed, "i was worried you would, like, reject me and push my hand away,"

"ew, get off of me," luke joked, shoved aria lightly, barely enough to even move her. he pulled a disgusted face, but he could barely hold it for two seconds when aria mimicked his face.

"there it is!" aria began to run across the stopped cars at the cross walk, running as fast as she could.

"aria! how are you running so fucking fast?" yells and pants rang through aria's ears.  she was only about five feet in front of him, but his blue eyes widened as he noticed aria wasn't even gasping for air.  she was just...running.

she stopped and turned around, "i did track and cheer, do you know how much movement i did without a steady breath." aria laughed not knowing if steady breath was the correct term.

"wait so," luke finally caught up with her now that she was waiting for him, "i can say i'm dating a cheerleader and track star?" he smirked and rushed to get a cart once the self opening doors allowed the two in.

"no, because we're not dating. you are friends with one though," aria playing rolled her eyes and kept sticking her hand through the automatic doors so they wouldn't close. 

she felt two cold hands on her -not at all tiny- waist pick her up, "luke! stop!" she laughed, hard, trying to squirm out of his tight grip. he wasn't even struggling to keep her in his arms. luke set aria down in the cart and ran into the the store.

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