"Do you have any medicines to take now?" Kinza asked.

"Yes. That blue one. I would be thankful if you pass it on." Pointing towards the navy blue wrapper he said.

Pouring the water in the glass she placed the tablet while carefully trying not to touch his palm. He understood her composure and was busy in telling his heart the limitations.

A disturbing expression appeared on his face when he swallowed the medicine and placed the glass on his side table. She was still standing there observing the glass when he placed his palms on the bed and lifted his body. She was looking gorgeous. The dark emerald dress was enhancing her skin tone. The delicate and careful choice of jewelry was complimenting the dress and again her dopatta was flowing lightly.

"Why don't you sit here? I mean you must be tired of wearing these heels. Be easy." He spoke and she nodded her head.

Sitting beside his palm she lowered her head. She was also feeling uneasiness so she decided to put off her heels. He was observing her each move. Her hands travelled to her feet and then his eyes went there. The beautiful patterns of henna were making him impassioned and she was feeling his burning glances on the ring in her finger.

A stream of red erupted on her cheeks and she straightened herself. He moved back giving her space and rested his back.

She was continuously staring the floor when he said,

"Are we two here? I mean we can talk on anything."

A beautiful curve appeared on her face and she shyly dropped her head again.


"Do you know very few words?"

And she looked at him slightly smiling.



He dragged her name and she felt like the stardust was blown at her. A tear was combating the fence of eyelashes and he was getting amazed.

"I didn't want to hurt you." He quickly said with his eyes wide.

"No. I am perfectly fine."  Wiping the water she said.

"Are you okay, Kinza?" He was still not sure.

And she nodded while looking at him, smilingly.

"Did you know me earlier?" He inquired.

Kinza was answerless with the answer she had learnt long ago. The man sitting in front of her was unaware of her passion and she was not comfortable in handing him over her kryptonite. He was still waiting for her answer and she said,

"Yes. I knew you earlier."

"That's great. But I didn't know you. I was selected as the brand ambassador of Amaranth and I never knew that I was representing my father-in-law." Laughing lightly he said.

Kinza had many thoughts popping into her mind. She wanted to shout. She wanted to scream that he had passed her many times, he had donated some seconds of his celebrity life once when she was standing against him, he had been interrupting her sleeps, he had been her last prayer every time, he had been the essence of her life, he had been her reason for reading, he had been in every hero of every heroine.

Ceasing her mind, she said,

"What is your favourite food?"

"I would love to eat cheese omelet tomorrow."

And she giggled softly at his witty response.

He was staring her unconsciously. At that very moment he wanted to touch the narrowed corners of her eyes but not every time we humans have authority to make our desires fulfilled. He was facing the same conflict, the conflict between his rights and his fate. She was near him. Her bangles were echoing again and he was helpless. He desperately wanted to cover that one feet distance but it was not in the lines of his palm.

Kinza was feeling an awkward silence again and this time she had no question in her mind. She was a girl; the girl who was a dreamer inside, the girl who was wondering why she was not melting at that time, the girl who was wishing to heal his every pain, the girl who had everything but the courage to freely take the first step.

Soon Abdullah cleared his throat and yawned. Kinza, who was seeing this for the very first time, was truly pleasured. She had observed him deeply in the past but that was new. That whole scene, indeed, was new. She was sitting on his bed beside him. What else she could have demanded from the life?

"The drowsiness is due to the medicine. I think you should sleep now." Kinza said.

"Yes, I am getting sleepy but." He wanted to say that he was fine sitting beside her for ages but he did not want to spoil his image.

"But, what?" She inquired.

"Nothing." He said smilingly looking at her and she reciprocated without looking at her.

"I want a help, if you don't mind." He said.

"Yes, tell me." Kinza was fully attentive.

"I need to go to the dressing room. I will change first." He explained.

"Oh! Yes, why not!" Kinza took a few steps towards him and suddenly her phone beeped.

"Attend your phone first." Abdullah said and she turned at it. Mish had messaged her and that short sentence made Kinza stupefied.

"Don't fall hard for 'him'!"

She controlled her exuberant laugh and closed it. Turning back she went closer to him and felt perplexed. Sealing the mad race in her heart again she wrapped her arm around his shoulders and helped him in getting up. Walking slowly towards the dressing room she found that her dopatta was covering his shoulder. Helplessly she slid the opaque glass door and a walk-in-closet welcomed her. She made him stand in front of his wardrobe and looked at him. He pointed at the door and she, with her one hand, opened it. His clothes were hanging there in a neat manner.

"That white t-shirt would do with those trousers." He said.

Pulling out his said clothes she was feeling that she would die soon. Abdullah was standing so close and her one arm was around him. Overcoming the stream of confusion, her hands were full and the door was still open. She was thinking of any solution when an arm surrounded her waist and pushed the door. A wave passed through her body and she lowered her head. Abdullah was feeling dumb at this move. His arm was still there and he did not want to move it. Her lashes were trembling and he was just staring at her face. She helplessly looked at him and the pleading eyes were busy in observing her each feature. Slowly she tilted her neck a single centimeter down and he switched his glance to the nearby archaic handle signaling her with a mild turn in his body. She made him sat on the nearby chair, placed his clothes beside and closed the door back. 

Almost running to the dressing mirror she was hyperventilating. Seeing her maroon face she laughed in a low voice and began putting her earrings off. The hair in side bun was aching so she began pulling the pins out and loosened it. With dopatta still on her head she was looking more beautiful in that messy hairstyle. She unlocked her bracelet and slipped it to the collection of her jewelry. She dropped her head in her hands when she realized that her luggage was placed in the dressing room. Turning back she collided with an all smiling Abdullah running hands in wet hair and limping to the bed and she was wonderstruck again.


Long chapter, right?

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