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Chapter 12
Dylan's pov

I decided to take luke and Anya to the mall with me so i can at least have a good time. It wasn't really such a fun time at the moment since luke and Anya were having fun together.  Yes of course im jealous. 1. Luke's my best friend and 2. I love Anya to fucking death and i wanted to get to catch up with her.

What are they doing? Taking selfies with fucking caramel lattes from Starbucks together.

They laughed happily and i could see a little twinkle in her eyes. I hadnt seen that since i gave her that kiss.

"Luke Daniel Holland!" I yelled at him. His eyes shot towards me. He looked at anya and made an o shape with his mouth.

"Excuse me while i go pee." Luke chirped and walked away. I rolled my eyes and sat in his seat." Hi." Anya said to me happy." Hey ,love. "I smiled.

She then planted a kiss on my cheek and i felt a wet stain stay there. "Sorry my lispstick got on you." She apoligized.

"No its fine. "I said to her.

"Thank you...for bringing me. I thought you didnt quite like me at first but im happy i have you as a close friend."

I frowned. Did i just get friend zoned. I hope not. That would suck ass.

"Maybe i want to be more than friends." i mumbled to myself. I felt her smile creep on me. She planted her lips on mine and kissed me." Definitely like that." she said.

"Hey you wanna go make out and leave luke here?" i asked. She chuckled."Yes and...Yes." she answered.

I grabbed her hand we both ran down the esculator."Dylan?! Anya?! I see you running away without me. You mother fuckers." I heard him running after us.


I love Luke. Why do i sadly relate to him in this chapter?

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