Chapter #4- Jodie

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The guy next to me is snoring. The people in front of me have a child who is screaming. The kid behind me is kicking my chair. And I’m seated very close to the toilet so I hear it flushing every time someone uses it. If this plane trip is any indication as to what the next three months will be like it is not going to be very good…

Thank god the plane is landing now!

As I was picking up my carry-on luggage one of the other passengers pushed into me and I almost fell. Great just another indication! I finally got off the plane after some other struggles and made my way out to the pick-up area. I was hoping that my host family would be nice and that they were on time. I didn’t need to be waiting at the airport for hours on top of what I’ve already dealt with.  I was on the look-out for a sign or something with my name on it and after a couple of minutes looking I finally found it. At least they were on time.

I walked up to the female in her mid to late 40’s. She was pretty with dark hair and a warm smile. She had a guy with her who looked to be about my age. He must be the boy who requested me. I really wish I was given some information on my host family. All I really knew was that my host was a boy. The boy was tall and skinny. He had a mass of deep chocolate brown curls. Beautiful green eyes and was smiling a cheeky smile at me as I walked closer and closer. I will admit right now that this boy was cute and very much attractive. Looks like the next three months just got better. At least now I have something to look at.

I want to point out that I’m not usually this whingey or pervert like. Growing up in an orphanage teaches you to respect what you have no matter how small that is, but seriously how bad can one person’s first ever flight be? Oh and about being a perve, I can see that a person is hot just like anyone else so leave me alone.

I walked up to the boy and who I’m guessing is his Mum. She surprised me by welcoming me with a hug. Obviously a kind and touchy person which is something I am not used to but I’m sure the discomfort will pass soon. I hugged her back briefly and she introduced herself as Anne or Mum if I wanted to call her that. I think I’m going to stick with Anne for now.

Next was the boy. He walked up to me and also pulled me into a hug. He was taller than me and even though I’m tall too I still only came up to the bottom of his chin. He had his arms around my waist and mine were around his torso. It was actually quite calming and it left me with a good feeling inside. What that feeling was I have no idea but it was nice. I’ve not felt that feeling before but maybe it was just because I was never really hugged before and it was like a feeling of care or something, even though I’ve known these people for about five minutes.

We pulled away and I stood there a little bit awkwardly while he introduced himself as Harry. I forced myself to be more talkative and open and introduced myself. After our introductions we went to collect my bags from the baggage carousel and then made our way out to the car. It was a nice car, one of those upper class sedans owned by housewives and business men. Anne and Harry took the front and I sat in the back with my luggage. The drive to their house was filled with both of my hosts talking about their house and family and filling me in on the stuff I don’t know about England. Most of the time though I was just looking out the window at the beautiful scenery we passed while zoning in and out of listening to them talk.

The time seemed to speed by as I watched the image of green grass and small quaint villages flow past, because before I realised it the car was stopping out the front of a medium sized double story house that looked warm and inviting. Anne and Harry stepped out of the car and Harry walked to my door to open it for me and help me with my luggage. He took my larger bag and left me with the two smaller ones I had. I followed him inside the house and into what looked like the lounge room. I stood there awkwardly while holding my bags and looking at my feet. Just then Anne walked into the room too.

‘Jodie, welcome to the family. This is our house and also yours for the upcoming months. I really do hope you feel comfortable here and you feel comfortable with us too.’ She said, the whole time wearing a warm and motherly smile.

‘I will and thank you for taking me for this.’ I said back. I really was grateful to get out of that orphanage and away from Australia for a bit.

She nodded and said. ‘That’s fine dear. You seem like a lovely girl already and I’m sure you’ll fit into our family easily. Harry why don’t you take Jodie up to her room and help her with anything she needs maybe some food.’

Harry picked up my bag again and motioned for me to follow him. I did and he led me up the stairs to one of the bedrooms on the top floor, he opened the door and walked in with me following close behind. The inside of the room was plain but still decorated nicely. The walls were a clean cream colour and the floor was a cream coloured carpet. The centre of the room held a white double bed and to the side were a desk and bookcase and a wardrobe and a dresser. It was a typical guest room but it looked like the desk had been added for me.

Harry must have seen me check the room out and chuckled a little at the face I must have been making. ‘So this is your room, it’s pretty plain but it’s ok. Mine is just across the hall so if you need anything just come and find me. We have dinner down stairs in the kitchen at 5pm but if you’re hungry now I can get you something. If not I guess I’ll leave you to it and let you unpack. See you down stairs unless you find me earlier.’ And then he walked out of the door.

I was left to unpack my stuff and put it into the wardrobe and dresser in my room. Ha, I have a room. Sure it’s only my temporary room but for the meantime it’s mine. This is the first time since my parents died that I’ve had my own room, and it feels good.

By the time I was finished unpacking it was time to go down for dinner. I stood up from my place on the floor and made my way to the door, continuing down the stairs and to the kitchen. As I walked in I saw the table full of food and Anne bringing which I hope was the last of the plates of food over. She hadn’t yet carried the plates of the cutlery over so I took it upon myself to help her with them and followed her over to the table while carrying the last of the utensils. She turned to me as I set them down and smiled at me.

‘Thanks dear.’ Then she turned around towards the stairs and shouted. ‘Harry! Dinners ready!’

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