Chapter 14 - Harry's POV (END)

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Over the last week I have barley done anything but mope around the house and go to school where I mope just as much. Jodie not being here has had a huge impact on my happiness and my mum has definitely noticed. She has tried again and again to ask me whats wrong but I just push her away because I don't want to talk about it or Jodie.

Today is Saturday meaning I can stay home and be alone and miserable. So instead of wallowing in my room I get out of bed, skipping putting on pants and going to the kitchen for some lunch. In the kitchen I meet my mum, she looks up from whatever she was reading and watched me as I go to the fridge and grab the milk and reach on the top to get the cocoa puffs putting them on the bench before walking to the cupboard to get a bowl and spoon. I sit at the breakfast bar and pour a bowl for myself, swallowing the crunchy chocolatey goodness heaped spoonful after heaped spoonful.

Eventually my mum speaks up once again asking the question she has ever since we took Jodie to the airport. 'Harry, are you going to tell me whats wrong yet?'

'What ever do you mean mum?' I ask back trying to delay the answer I know I’ll eventually give her.

She looked at me like she knows exactly what I'm doing and truthfully she probably does. 'Well Harry, you've been sitting here for about 10 minutes and you've refilled your bowl twice and I don't think you even noticed that you did. You're distracted now tell me whats wrong?'

I looked down at my bowl and then at the box of cereal, it does seem a lot emptier than it would if I only had one bowl. Huh, who knew I could eat 3 bowls of cereal in 10 minutes?

As I think of what I want to tell mum, how I want to word what I have to tell her I can feel the compressed emotions inside of me bubbling up. I may have been depressed lately but I haven't cried yet and I think I’m about to. As I feel my eyes watering I have a million things to tell mum but the only thing I seem to be able to get out before my tears fall and I am left in a puddle of sadness is, 'I love her, mum.' In seconds I feel mums arms around me as I lay my head on her shoulder and just cry. Little pieces of the story come out as sobs and I don't know if she understands but I get the feeling she doesn't need me to talk for her to understand.

After what feels ages my tears dry up and I'm left with sniffles and a slight headache, mums arms leave me but she stays sitting on the stool next to me. She just looks at me for a little bit and then sighs and shakes her head. 'You're serious about her aren't you, Harry?' Is what she says.

I think about that question. I seem serious about her, yes but could all of this just be some stupid teenage love-lust that I have blown way out of proportion? Is Jodie the person I think I could want for forever? I think about how it was such a short time that we had together and how in just that short time I fell completely in love with her. There is a lot I don't know about her and there is a lot she doesn't know about me. The thing about that though is that I can't wait to explore those parts of her and for her to find out everything about me. I want us to be together, to be in the same town so we can do that. And with that I know how to answer my mum.

'Jodie means everything to me, mum. So yes, I am serious about her. I love her.'


The last two or so weeks I have been a lot better, I still miss Jodie like crazy but I'm now realizing that if I miss her this much I should do something about it instead of being all depressed and sad. So I've decided to talk to mum about booking me a flight to Australia. I would like to either move there or talk Jodie into somehow moving here but I know she isn't old enough to leave the orphanage and I'm not old enough to move out by myself, let alone talking my mum into letting that happen. So I've settled for visiting her, staying there for a week or so and getting to know her and her home country a little better. All I have to do is talk to my mum.

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