Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten 

Rosalind awoke the next morning, the sun shining into her room, and she covered her eyes. She looked down at her beautiful engagement ring as it sparkled in the wind. Holden was curled up beside her, and she smiled at herself, touching her stomach tenderly. Maybe everything in her life would finally work out. They had several months to go, but after their baby was born, she could finally be Lincoln's wife, and their baby would be here, along with Lauren and Landon. She heard the front door slam and steps running up the hallway stairs. She looked up to see Bianca, standing there, her face in tears. 

"Mom has cancer," she informed Rosalind, completely missing Rosalind's ring. 

"I know," she comforted her little sister as she moved over to the bed to make room for her. "How did you find out?" 

"She told me," Bianca's eyes filled with tears. Only nineteen, she was so innocent to know the true wrath and vileness of their mother. 

"I'm sorry, Bianca," Rosalind hugged her and she cried on her older sister's shoulder. "She is done her chemo. We have to wait and see what the oncologist says about her prognosis." 

"Mom said she will know in a few weeks," Bianca informed her. "How long have you known?" 

"Mom told me when she found out," Rosalind confessed as she stroked Holden's head to stay calm. She didn't know how Bianca was going to react to any of her news, but she refused to keep secrets in their family anymore. She had vowed never to act like her mother.  

"She can't die, Rosalind," Bianca looked like a scared little girl, not a girl who was getting married in a few months. 

"Bianca, it's time you know the whole truth," Rosalind informed her, and Bianca's eyes widened. "I'm not going to hold anything back from you. Just listen to everything I have to say before you say anything. I love you. You'll always be my sister, no matter what, that will never change. So will Duncan and Fabian, but Mom has been keeping a deep and dark secret about me for a very long time." 

Rosalind told Bianca the whole tragic story, from her mother cheating on their father with her biological father Robbie to how her mother treated her so differently, how she had emotionally abused her for years, but never knew why. She continued on about her mother denying Robbie the right to know her and how she wanted to abort her. She explained how she had met Robbie last night, and how her mother insisted she lie about her cancer to protect them all. She confessed she has been with her mother through all her chemo sessions, and finally how she was ten weeks pregnant with Lincoln's baby and engaged to be his wife. 

Bianca looked at her terrified, confused and then angry. She threw a massive fit, saying she was lying about her mother, and she challenged her to call and confront her. Agnes denied it at first, but when Scott entered the room, he confirmed Rosalind was telling the truth. Bianca slammed the phone down and stared at Rosalind. Nothing made sense to her anymore. Her family was a joke. Her mother thought she wasn't even fucking old enough to handle her having canner. How could she do this to her? How could she hold this in and lie? 

"Bianca, I'm sorry," Rosalind hugged her. "Sometimes the truth is awful to hear, but trust me, you needed to know." 

"I always wondered why she treated you so differently," Bianca shook her head. "Now I know why. She can go to hell, Rosalind. Can I move in with you and Tru?" 

"Sure," Rosalind agreed. "What about Tyler?" 

"I'm not living with his pill of a mother," Bianca rolled her eyes and giggled. "She's awful, Rosalind. She wants to wear white on my wedding day!" 

"No!" Rosalind giggled back. "That's awful!" 

"I told Tyler if she wears white, I won't marry him," she stood firmly, and she finally saw her sister's diamond ring. She stared at it and then smiled. "It's beautiful. And you're going to have a baby? Ro, oh my god!" 

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