Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine 

Lincoln hung up the phone with a heavy heart. His lawyer had insisted he not have Rosalind in his life, considering they had just started seeing each other and they weren't married. Mira's parents' lawyer would take that and run with it against him morally as a father. He couldn't risk losing his twins. He loved his daughter and son, and he hated Mira's parents for trying to take them away from him. He loved Rosalind and their baby, and he knew once this all worked itself out, he would be there for them both. Right now though, he was needed in court the next day to fight for his babies. There was no way he would lose. 

"I have looked at all the evidence over in this case," Judge Watkins informed them at the hearing the next day. Lincoln held his mother's hand as he waited for the judge to give them the results of the paternity hearing. 

"Tragedy strikes us sometimes, like taking a beautiful young mother away from her twin babies. It's something we can never explain, can never have an answer for, and something we can never take back. Two little children out there have lost their mother. On my left stands a wonderful father who has practically given up his life, at thirty-three, to raise his children, something I can honestly say most men at that age aren't strong enough to do. On the right-hand side I have two amazing grandparents who miss their daughter, and all they have left of her is their grandchildren. Not seeing them at least on a regular basis will not be fair to them or to Lauren and Landon Ainsworth. After thinking long and hard about this, and reviewing all of the arguments, I truly believe that Lauren and Landon need both their biological father, Lincoln Ainsworth, and their grandparents, Michael and Sabrina Smith, in their lives. So, unfortunately, Mr. Ainsworth, either you are willing to move back to Waco, or we are going to have to work out some kind of arrangement to where your children fly down to see their grandparents on holidays and summer vacations. What is your decision?" 

"I'll move back to Waco," Lincoln replied instantly, and he turned to Michael and Sabrina. "I never intended to keep Lauren and Landon from you. I loved your daughter, Mira, very much. I already have a buyer for my house, and will be staying at my grandparents' farmhouse temporarily until the fall where I can begin my job again as a tenure professor at Baylor University. We are family, and Mira wouldn't want this. I agree to these terms." 

"Oh thank you, son," Sabrina Smith, Mira's mother, came over and hugged Lincoln. Tears filled Rosalind's eyes as she sat in the back of the courtroom wearing sunglasses and a scarf. She couldn't leave Lincoln alone in this, even though she knew this would probably be the outcome. Lincoln and Mira's parents signed the custody agreement, and he turned toward his mother as Lauren and Landon were brought back into the room. They were delighted to see their mother's parents, their maternal grandparents. While they greeted each other, Lincoln saw a figure dart from the courtroom. That redhead he wouldn't miss anywhere. He left the courtroom, calling her name. She paused, turning around. She was showing now, and looked beautiful, as always. 

"Rosalind," he spoke softly, and she took off her sunglasses. He walked toward her and she just looked at him. He gently reached out and she nodded as he put his hand over her tummy and he could feel their baby's heartbeat. Rosalind smiled at him, and he smiled back. 

"I'm taking care of our baby," she promised him. 

"I miss you and our baby," he whispered, as he pulled her into him and kissed her gently.  

"Lincoln, I can't fly," she told him. "I can't go to Waco until our baby is born." 

"I wouldn't expect you to," he answered. "Rosalind, I love you so much. I have to go though. I will be back for you and our baby." 

"I love you too," she replied, and he kissed her once more and went back to the courtroom. She left as tears streamed down her face. Lincoln was gone forever now, but she had their baby, and she hoped one day their baby would bring them back together, once again. 

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