"Aww, Alexandria," Lincoln smiled as he threw his coffee cup in the garbage can. "May I accompany you to the bookstore? I need to grab my textbooks."  

"Really? I mean, sure," Rosalind answered, and she blushed. She followed him for a few steps, but he stopped, so she picked up her walking pace to keep up with him. She looked down at her comfortable sneakers, her boot-leg jeans and her Tinkerbelle hoodie she had purchased, while on vacation in Disney World, and figured everyone passing would think that those two walking together looked rather odd.  

"Did you know Alexandria?" he asked her, and she looked at him.  

"Pardon?" she froze, starting to feel nervous. It just hit her, that she was walking with a very attractive man named Lincoln. "Oh Lexi, no. We had no classes together."  

"Well, that is not a bad thing," Lincoln smiled at her. "You don't seem like my sister's type anyway." Type? What did he mean? They walked into the bookstore, and Lincoln immediately headed back to the psychology section. She headed over to pick up her books and realized the bookstore was pretty much empty. She took a moment to look over at Lincoln. She felt her heart begin to race, as she still wondered why he had spoken to her out in the courtyard. Suddenly, he glanced back and smiled briefly at her, his dimples showing. She blushed, looking down, and she wondered if it would be rude of her to completely exit the store, and go hide in her dorm room. She didn't care if Julie was naked, having sex with her boyfriend in bed. She was beyond humiliated that he had caught her staring at him.  

"Can I help you find something?" a salesclerk asked her, and she shook her head. She used this as an opportunity to glance over her schedule and pick out her textbooks for twelve general credits. She was taking Introduction to American History, Sociology 101, Psychology 101 and a creative writing elective. Her dad had suggested she add in a science or math class, but she wanted her first semester to be courses she would enjoy, and hopefully do well in.  

"Ready?" Lincoln was beside her, holding one textbook. He reached over, without a word, and took her four heavy textbooks, plus three blank notebooks from her hands, heading toward the cashier.  

"Thanks," she told him, and he smiled at her.  

"You're welcome," he replied, as she waited in line with him to pay for their books. "Are you all right?"  

"No," she said without thinking, and Lincoln looked at her with concern. They approached the counter where he smoothly put their textbooks. The female cashier blushed as she calculated Rosalind's textbooks. She handed her the joint American Express card her father had given her that morning. The girl looked impressed by her AMEX black, and swiped it with no problem.  

"I'm carrying her books," Lincoln told her as he paid for his textbooks with his own AMEX black card. She put their textbooks in bags, and she followed Lincoln out of the store. Even though he was carrying all the books, he held the door open for her too. What a gentleman! Why was he being so nice?  

"Thanks," she responded again as she noticed that dark had set in. "For carrying my books and holding the door for me."  

"You're welcome," Lincoln winked at her. "You seemed surprised I held the door for you."  

"I am," she answered honestly. "You are the first guy who has ever talked to me besides my dad or one of my brothers."  

"Really?" Lincoln looked a bit surprised at her revelation, and she nodded. "Well, that's just unbelievable, but I'm honoured to be the first man you can talk to and be friends with."  

"You want to be friends with me?" she asked him, feeling unconscious.  

"Sure, why not?" he replied as they arrived at Collins. "Rosalind, you seem so unsure of yourself. Hopefully, in time, you'll find being in my presence doesn't make you nervous." She looked at him in shock; he had picked up immediately on her uneasiness. She blushed again, as he held the door open for her at her residence. He followed her down to her dorm room, wondering if Julie would be there. There was a note on the door, saying she was at a frat party and she should come. "Are you going?"  

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