Hailey's gone

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Hey!! That's Bella Thorne as Haileyyyy:)

Dressed snug in an off-the-shoulder eyelet dress cinched with a wide leather belt and green sandals that laced up past my ankles, I tied my hair into a loose knot at the nape of my neck. I waved to Hailey, saying," I'm going. See you later!"

" Keep safe," Hailey smiled at me, lifting her gaze away from her homework.

" Ready?" Tori questioned, planting one hand on her jutted hip, new diamond studs glinted in her ears. We all nodded and clutching the strap of my purse tightly, we headed downtown. The smell of human blood was overwhelming with many tuxedoed bartenders standing behind ice-beaded silver buckets holding cheap champagne and beer around the drunk crowd.

Somehow I ended up to follow Mae and Devon.

" Hello angel," Devon purred, putting his pointed finger under my chin and tilted it up so that he could look into my eyes.

I looked at him, speaking through gritted teeth," Please, just shut up."

He gave me a bemused smile. I rolled my eyes, turning to Mae, staring at the cupcake on her hand," Come on, let's go then."

She smiled, poking her finger in the whipped cream swirl atop her short stack and popped it into her mouth. We walked along the crowded loft, following the flow of the dancing crowd.

I saw a blond guy in his early twenties, wearing a button-down green-and-white-striped shirt with French cuffs, holding a lit cigarette and swaying lightly.  I winked at Devon and Mae before heading towards my victim.

Staring at him, I smiled. He looked up at me, empty eyes gazing. I pulled at his collar, inhaling his alcoholic scent as I felt my fangs poking against his smooth neck. I bit him, sucking that delicious cold tingling liquid that satisfied my hunger immediately.

I felt his body limp against my arms, licking his wounds clean. I looked up at Devon, who was licking the sides of his lips for traces of blood, and at Mae, who was staring past my shoulder with wide eyes.

I heard a loud bang as a bullet flew past me, hitting Mae on her shoulder blade. There was a loud thud as she fell to the floor, blood drenching her cotton shirt.

Livia, it's the Hunters. You really got to run...RUN!

My foreign voice screamed into my head. I stood there, not even struggling as a Hunter thrust me back with enough force to send me stumbling and sliding across the floor.

I springed forward, leaping at his throat but Devon caught me by the arm, shouting," Go!"

Now, the voice in my head said.

I unfurled my wings, flickering into the darkness and flew with Mae's unconscious body. She felt so cold. The Hunters shot a few more bullets into the sky but gave up after a few attempts.

And I heard a faint shout from a distance," This is not over! It will never be!"


Landing onto Tori's front yard, I laid Mae onto Rob's arms as I ruffled my wings back, the soft glow fading.

" How did you guys get here so fast?" I asked, entering the living room just to realise everyone were already there. Mae lifted her tousled head and peered blearily, murmering ," I...astra-projected to...them."

She let out a scream before falling back into Rob's arms. Getting up from the couch, Devon raked a hand through his hair before pulling me into an embrace. I did not bother to push him away, still numb from all the shock.

Realising that I was not pushing him away, he hesistantly brought my face to him, kissing me. I jerked my head back, flushing as everyone was staring at us. I smacked him in the shoulder, sneering," Don't you do that ever again, you hear me?"

He nudged me in the ribs with his elbow, grinning smugly. I narrowed my eyes at him before turning my gaze to Tori as she started talking,

" War is approaching. Vampires against Hunters. Hunters against Vampires. It seems like the Hunters would stop at nothing to destroy us. To pain us, hurt us, torture us slowly with their deadliest tactics. We cant let them beat us. We cant give up. It's our kind they're destroying. We have to fight. We just have to."

Her words hung heavy among us. One side would have to die, I thought.

Both sides would suffer, so why fight? The voice agreed with me.

"That's why we have to have a leader!" Tori announced, breaking the silence.

Everyone turned to look at me. Tori then said," Livia Winters, will you be our leader?"

I stayed silent, my mind screaming at me. How could I lead a group of vampires into war when I do not even know how to lead myself without Jadrien?

You have Devon, the voice said.

The voice continued, You are their only hope, Livia.This is your mission.

I glanced around at all their hopeful faces, turning to Tori as I said," I accept to become your leader."

I turned around, leaving the living room with everyone still handling their emotions. I climbed up the stairs, dragging myself up as I heard muffled voices from the living room.

Hunters. Vampires. War, Death. Pain. All so unreal yet was sooner or later going to happen.

I noticed the door lift ajar and peered in, whispering," Hailey?"

I screamed, running to Hailey's bed and holding the scribbled note in my hand. The familiar handwriting brought the horrible realisation as I gazed at the white blood-drenched rose on Hailey's bed.

Jadrien wrote:

The war starts now, Livia. And you started it.

I was shivering violently, barely able to stand up as I fell into Devon's arms. They must have heard me scream. Mae ripped the note from my hand, clutching her bleeding shoulder, worry flashing across her face.

Reading the note, Mae huddled to the corner, rocking backward and forward, screaming Hailey's name over and over again.

Her voice was raspy, her knees drawn up to her chest. Why did they have to do this to us? I couldn't stop the tears from pouring down my face.

I closed my eyes, all my nerve-endings suddenly coming alive.

I am Livia Winters, leader of the coven, Vampix. I will lead them to war and we will fight to the very end. I will lead them. I have to.

With my eyes closed, I cant help but remember Hailey's last words to me before she was kidnapped by the Hunters.

Keep safe. Keep safe. Keep safe.

Livia: Complicated Angel (Editing in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now