New boyfriend for Livia?

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Livia's POV

" Maybe she was forced to do it," Martin suggested, putting his face in his hands, fingertips creasing his cheeks.

" Maybe they hypnotised her or something. You know how far the Hunters will do to get what they want," Rob said, pulling his bare knees to his chest and keeping his gaze on me. Gabrielle slapped her book shut and rested her head on Rob's shoulder.

Mae shook her head, hugging her legs," You don't know what it was like. She was happy...and she..she said that she never loved me, guys. She actually said me. She said that all I ever did was nag. I cared for her. I really did."

Devon moved to her, putting his arms around her. He leaned his head down and kissed her forehead. My eyes widened at his sudden affection towards Mae.

Are you jealous? The voice whispered. You should be glad that he is caring for someone else other than you.

I curled my arm under my head, ignoring her melodic voice inside my head. So far, she only appeared when I least expected her to. She had told me that her name was Izzie , here to guide me in my life as a vampire and an angel. But when I asked her if I was meant to be like this on Earth, she would not reply. She never did..


"We've been assigned to go down to Earth to work with the Vampire Hunters, Livia," Jadrien said from behind. I turned and there he was, with his dark curls hiding his insanely beautiful dark eyes.

" Anything else?" Corking an eyebrow, I twirled the ends of my auburn-coloured hair.

" Well, you'll be getting your first and second angelic powers during our assignment down there," Jadrien smiled, knowing that I had been waiting for my powers to come.

" Really? Like for real?" I asked, giving him a wistful smile. He nodded and I took him by surprise when I hugged him. A beautifully wicked grin spreads across his face, making me tingle all over. He pushed me away, elbowing me in the ribs.

" And when that day comes, I'll be there. I'll hold your hand like this," he stopped to clasp my small hands in his, and continued," And we'll watch our powers intermingle with one another."

His smile was so charming as a spark of deep red exploded at the tip of his finger. He placed his hand on my arm and I watched that little spark dance and twirl around.

He flashed a satisfied grin as I looked up at him in awe, asking," Promise?"

Fingering his wings as the soft glow warmed the tips of my fingers, he lifted me up and sealed me in a kiss, saying," Promise."

***********End of flashback************

But Jadrien never kept his promise. I just had to turn into a vampire when my powers started showing.

But it was fated for you to be a vampire. That's why you have me now, Izzie said and I felt an undescribable rush of happiness surge through her. The corners of my mouth twitched in a beginning of a smile. I watched as Devon pulled Mae up from the couch and led her out of the room.

I turned away and walked towards the balcony as the others made their way out. I stared at the small Chinese silk lanterns embroidered on the flowers hanging over the garden. I puffed out a breath, inhaling the evening air.

Livia: Complicated Angel (Editing in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now