Chapter 17 ~ Poison

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Ben's POV

Darkness. That's all I saw. I was colder than usually. My blood harden. I wasn't controlling my body. It was like I was chained deep inside of my body unable to break free. I saw everything though...Then I heard a vocie.

'Kill them.'


Ben charged at us. Alec pulled me aside and pinned Ben, but Jacob went towards him. I attack jacob and pinned him down. He looked dead...He looked lifeless.

"Jacob it's me Y/n...Please wake up," I begged. "Please."

Jeff, OC/N, and EJ ran up to us. Jeff tied Ben's hand behind his back and OC/N did the same to Jacob. Alec and EJ stood by me.

"Let go," EJ whispered.

"I'm not going any where4 with you pastas," Alec spat.

"Alec! They are my friends.."

Alec grumbled before following close by my side. I was happy, but shocked to see him here. Once we arrived back at camp Jeff tied them both to a tree. Before I knew it Emily pulled Alec into a hugged. Alec hugged back tightly with a small smile.

"I thought you were dead," Emily's vocie cracked.

"Not really...just reborn."

Jeff saw them hugging and turned away. He loved her. I could tell. I walked over to him.

"You ok Jeff?"

"Fine, but now that your brothers back I guess what me and Emily had is over.."

"Maybe not," I smiled before walking towards EJ who was staring at Ben and Jacob.

"Do you know whats wrong?"


I sighed. They had no emotion in their eyes. They just looked dead. I sighed and walked back into my tent. It wasn't long until I heard yells and a ton of colorful words. I stepped out and say Alec being held back by Emily as Masky and Toby stood in front of a injured Hoodie.

"What happened?" I asked walking up.

"He attack me.." Hoodie quivered.

"You and your damn friends tried to kill me! I'm just getting my revenge!" Alec yelled.

"Alec! Look, Hoodie and Masky are trying to help me save your old friends!" I growled. "That is the only reason why I'm trusting them. Codie, Nick, Chris, Sam, Chet, and Max are still being held and I don't know if they will live or not!"

Alec froze, "Y/n I'm sorry, but I can't trust them..So I guess you on your own."

Alec broke free of Emily's grasp and walked away. I lost my brother again, but I hurt worst this time. I sighed holding back tears and walked back over to Ben and Jacob. I had to figure out what's wrong with them, with or without Alec. They just stared at me. I sighed and decided to take a nap.

Before I could slip back in my tent Hoodie stopped me.

"Look, Y/n I'm really sorry about Alec. I know its my fa-"

"Hoodie. You were ordered to. I understand and it wasn't your fault," I smiled.

Hoodie nodded before backing away. I yawned and slipped into my tent and fell into a peaceful slumber.

I found myself in a field of grass and a small flowing lake. It looked beautiful and peaceful. Went I turned I saw Jacob standing by Ben. I smile and hugged them both.

'What happen to you two?'

'It's poison. Anyone I bite will be affected...' Jacob explain as we part apart.

'Is there away to stop it or cur you guys?' I asked.

'Not that we no of...' Ben replied.

I sighed.

'You will figure it out sooner or later,' Ben chipped.

'How do you know?'

'Because we believe in you,' Ben smile and rubbed my cheeks with his thumb.

Jacob kissed my head gently as he slowly faded, as did Ben. Tear slowly formed.

I woke up and found myself with tear on my cheeks. I quickly rubbed them away and ran out.

"Guys it's poison!"

A/n ~ Kay well this was short and stupid. Idk why you read this...

Ben Drowned x Reader A Glitchy HeartWhere stories live. Discover now