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Butterfly and Jungkook stood outside of her hotel room. 

"I'm sorry about the paparazzi." Jungkook spoke softly.

Butterfly looked down at her feet. "I-it's okay. You're... famous. And the paparazzi follow famous people." 

Jungkook could sense that Butterfly was uncomfortable and he felt guilty for some reason.

"Butterfly, I-"

"I should probably go inside." Butterfly cut him off, looking up into his eyes. "Sienna is probably waiting for me."

"Oh... right." He forced a smile. "Goodnight." His smile turned genuine as he stared into her eyes. "Message me?"

Butterfly opened her door. "I will." She smiled faintly. "Goodnight."

Jungkook waited for her to walk in and close the door before walking away.

Butterfly walked over to her bed, noticing Sienna on her own, sleeping with her phone in her hand.

Butterfly smiled at the sight of her best friend, even though she was still quite upset with her.

She sighed as she headed into the bathroom to wash up.


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