Chapter One

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You Don't Know Me 

Chapter One


-Summer Preston's POV- 


Sometimes, I regret that I didn't take my aunt Marilyn's offer to live with her when I was 12. At the time I thought the worst thing ever was to be away from my parents. Now the worst thing ever is Saturday night football. Don't get me wrong. I love football. I hate my brothers obnoxious friends.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Summer Preston. The second child of Adam and Taylor Preston. Ya know, the nut jobs who decided they wanted 9 kids. Yeah you heard correct. Nine children. 5 boys, 4 girls (including myself.)

Eric is my twin brother and captain of the football team at school.

Matthew was my younger brother who recently joined the football team at school.

May and Sage are my younger sisters who are also twins.

Kevin, Devin and Mark are my younger brothers (yes, they are triplets.)

And Sky is the newest addition to the Preston family.

"Summer! Devin just punched me!" Mark yelled from outside my locked door.

"Are you bleeding?" I wondered.


"Then go tell Eric" I called out to him.

"Eric! Devin just punched me!" I heard Mark yell.

"Yes!" I heard a series of yells come from the living room.

That was the group of hormonal teenage boys who love football more than girls.

"Touchdown!" I heard a deep voice yell.

And apparently my dad.

"Summer! Marilyn's here!"

Marilyn Gomez has been my best friend ever since we could speak (and even before then we would eat sand out of the sandbox together.) Every Saturday night, Marilyn comes over to keep my company while the army of teenage boys (and my dad) watch football.

"Hey there" Marilyn walks through Eric and I's shared bathroom.

"You went into Eric's room?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Your door was locked and Eric said he didn't care" Marilyn shrugged and dropped her bag on the floor.

"Who's out there?" I whispered.

"Your dad, Eric, Matthew, Anthony, Tanner and Matt" Marilyn whispers.

"Where is everyone else?"

"Everyone's in the backyard" Marilyn frowned. "How long have you been in here?"

"Since Tanner showed up"

Tanner Griffin was my ex boyfriend. Of course nobody in my family knew that. Or else he would be banned from ever stepping foot in this house again. Also Eric would have ended their friendship the moment we broke up. Why? Because Tanner cheated on me with Kali Chin.

"Sweetie you have to get over him already" Marilyn groaned.

"Mary it's been 2 weeks since we broke up" I rolled my eyes.

"Well if you're not going to tell Eric about what happened than you're gonna have to get used to him being here"

"I know but today we are hiding from them" I sigh. "Now help me climb out this window"

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