"Riley Eleanor Matthews if we are playing hide and seek then I will make sure no one ever finds you."

Note to self never interrupt Maya's nap time that's for sure

"No peaches were gonna play truth or dare."

We all sat in a circle staring at Riley.

"Okay I'll go first maya truth or dare?"

"Dare of course."

"I dare you to point at the person you think is the most attractive."

Maya rubbed her chinned and looked at everyone in the room and then pointed at herself

"No fair that's cheating."
Riley called out

"No you never said it had to be someone other than me."

"Whatever your turn."

"Hmm...Stiles truth or dare."

"Truth. Y'all like to start of hard."

"Name one character trait that Josh's crush has."

"I can't do that."

"You have to."

"It's fine stiles go ahead."

I gave stiles the okay it's not like there gonna figure it out from just one character trait

"She's totally bad ass."
Stiles said with a smirk on his face

Then a gasp came from smackle mouth and farkle put his hand over her mouth

"Hehehe nothing to see her continue the game."

"Okay then stiles your turn."

"Josh truth or dare."

"Im gonna go with dare cause I'm not a wuss."

"You might wanna which you were a wuss but I'm gonna make it easy for ya I dare you to tell everyone your old nickname"

"I hate you."

"Do it."

"They use to call me...baberial"

"Baberial? Oh my god I'm so gonna start calling you that now."

"Please don't maya"

"Too late BABERIAL."

I faced palmed my hand

It was my turn now and I was gonna get Lucas to admit his feeling for Riley

"Lucas truth or dare?"

"Uh truth"

"Who do you have a crush on?"

"Damn I saw that coming."

"Come on Lucas......Cowboy were all friends here."

"Fine I have a crush on Riley there I said it."

Riley's face lit up with all different kind of emotions.  My niece is happy and that's all i could ask for

"My turn okay maya truth or dare?"

"Dare once again I'm braver than all of you."

"Kiss josh"

My face turned a bright pink if this was Lucas way of getting me back it was pretty good no not pretty good it was the best way like ever

"Fine no big deal."

She got up and walked over to me she grabbed me by my shirt collar and her lips collided with mine

Woah there was like sparks and balloons and fireworks it was like I was having my very first kiss with the love of my life or it was like how they describe kisses in books and how they could change your whole view point on life and this was the kiss that changed my view point of life and now I know that I only want to be with maya

The kiss ended and she backed away

"I...I..... I have to go......like now."
She grabbed her stuff and climbed out the window

I stood there for a good minute until finally I said something but it wasn't directed towards them more towards maya

"I. Like.  You.."
I said it in a hush whisper tone but everyone in the room heard
They all got up and comforted me

"Thanks but I think I'm gonna go and like sit down or eat something now."

I walked out of the room and quietly closed the door I guess Riley was right maya really downs like me like that

I was sad yes but I needed to focus on the plan if there even is a plan anymore

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