They can't stay like this, yet Killua can't quite bring himself to wake Gon up. He wants the moment to last a little longer, pretend Gon belongs here, that he won't bolt the second he realizes exactly where he is.

Killua doesn't account for the next door neighbor to start up his lawnmower right outside the window with a loud, angry roar.

Mother fucker.

Gon frowns into the pillow, rubbing his cheek back and forth. He yawns just before his eyebrows knit together in confusion, and eventually his eyes blink open to meet Killua's. They're a sleep-hazy brown, unfocused and soft.

A rush of something deep and affectionate pools in Killua's chest. This is what he looks when he wakes up. This is how he looks at someone first thing in the morning. He swallows hard, not wanting to be the first to speak.

Gon stretches, a long, slow pull of his body beneath the sheets. His hips bump up against Killua's, who realizes with a start that he's suddenly, instantly hard. Killua rolls carefully onto his stomach, presses his stupid erection into the mattress.

"What time's it?" Gon mumbles, and fuck, Killua doesn't need to know what Gon sounds like when he first wakes up, like sex and too many cigarettes.

"I dunno. nine-thirty or so." He tucks his arms under his own pillow, afraid he might do something dumb, like blindly try to find Gon's tattoo with his fingertips.

"Hmm." Gon rubs his knuckles over his eyes, squinting in the sunlight. He looks startlingly young for a second. "D'you have my cell?"

"Um. Hang on." Killua has no idea where Gon's phone is; he figures it has to be somewhere in the rumpled pile of messy jeans and underwear. He scrambles out of bed, the air a cool shock to his over-heated skin, and goes to dig around on the floor until he finds the cell sticking out from under Gon's wrinkled t-shirt.

He throws it on the bed, and Gon grabs for it without really crawling out from under the blankets. He burrows down just as Killua climbs back in beside him; the bed's only a double, it's not like there's tons of room. He watches Gon check his messages, their knees pressing against each other.

"I can get Palm to take you home," Killua says. The room feels too quiet and close, his voice too loud.

Gon shrugs one shoulder and shifts closer to Killua, probably because he's kind of wedged against the wall. "I just texted Gus and told him I was at your place. He'll let Aunt Mito know."

"She won't be pissed?"

Gon closes the texting keyboard on his phone and shoves it under his pillow. "Nah," he says, giving Killua a small, sheepish smile. "It's you. She won't mind."

"What does that even mean?"

"Y'know...she likes you. It's not a big deal." Gon turns his face into the pillow as he talks, muffling his words.

Killua doesn't say anything for a long moment, torn between battling his stupid hangover and watching the way Gon's hair looks against his pillow case. He yawns and stretches back out onto his stomach so he can't feel Gon's bare skin.

He opens his eyes when he feels a thumb skim over his cheek. Gon smirks at him.

"Your eyelashes are so...curly," he says.

Killua leans away from the touch, but he can feel himself smiling. "They only wing out this much right after I wake up--it's a morning thing."

"I feel like I should have pictorial evidence that Killua Zoldyck doesn't actually wear eyeliner."

"Fuck you, you're not taking pictures of me in bed."

Gon gives a smug grin as he pulls his phone back out from under the pillow. "No?"

Black Butterfly [written by TheRealGonZoldyck] Killugon ficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें