You follow him right away and your team enters the gym where Karasuno's team is located. "We look forward to the game." You suddenly hear a lot of boys shout, you assume it's Karasuno greeting your team. "Likewise." Your team shouts back while you simply bow down.

You notice the gym is a bit more old-fashioned than the one in your school. As you look around, you see Karasuno's boys. You observe each one of them and try to judge them.

There is one with black hair and blue eyes who seems to be very angry, you assume that because of his glare. Next to him there's a small orange-haired boy who begs the black-haired guy for another toss. You remember Kenma talking about him to you since you weren't present at the last game against Karasuno.

As you continue to observe the boys, you suddenly notice one of them looking back at you. That boy has grey hair that looks fluffy and he has brown eyes. He is totally your type but that's not the right time to think about something like that.

Suddenly, the boy smiles at you, making you blush madly and look away nervously. Even though this isn't the time to admire him, you still want to look at him more.

"(Y/N)-san!" Kuroo suddenly shouts, causing you to flinch and to immediately walk over to the rest of the team since they are about to discuss some things. You hear the other boy chuckle because of you spacing out, causing you to get even more embarrassed.


After your team discusses the plan for today's game, the boys start to warm up while you observe them and Karasuno's team.

"Hey! Hey you!" You suddenly hear someone calling out to you. You turn your head to the right since that's where the sound came from.

In front of you is one bald-headed guy and a short guy. "M-Me?" You question overwhelmed. "Yes! Are you Nekoma's manager?" The short guy asks you curiously while looking at you in awe. "Y-yes." You answer, still not able to comprehend this situation.

"You're so cute." Both guys exclaim, coming nearer. "Tanaka! Noya! Cut it out!" You hear someone shout at the boys, causing them to flinch.

You see the guy who smiled at you earlier being the one who shouted at the boys. "But Suga-san! You can't deny she's cute!" The bald-headed guy exclaims with a pout.

You ask yourself why they're so fine with flirting but shake that thought off.

"Yes, she's cute. So cute that I want to hug her but-" The grey-haired guy says but cuts himself off as he realizes what he has just said. "I-I mean she's very cute, wait what?" He tries to say again but stops again. You see a deep red blush forming on his face, making you giggle slightly even though you're still overwhelmed.

"I'm sorry, you are so pretty I can't stop thinking about it." He says again while you hope for him to stop saying these things to you, so you won't die. "Suga-san! Since when were you this smooth?" The short guy asks him surprised.

"I-I don't know." The grey-haired guy, whose name is Suga, you assume, says frustrated. "Well, I would like you to stop because my heart can't handle your compliments." You beg, suddenly realizing that you added some things to your sentence that you didn't want to say.

"I-I mean, I'm very happy to hear that from a good-looking guy like you but my heart might explode." You quickly try to correct yourself but that doesn't help either.

"Ahh, why am I saying these things?" You ask yourself out loud. "I'm asking myself the same thing." The grey-haired boy admits embarrassed.

"Could it be that you're soulmates?" The short guy asks shocked. "Aaahhh, Suga-san, so unfair!" The bald-headed boy shouts frustrated.

"What? Really? That would be awesome." Suga exclaims suddenly but covers his mouth immediately after saying it. "Don't misunderstand. I am very happy but me saying these things is quite embarrassing." He adds while blushing.

"Wha-?" You stutter while blushing madly. "My name is Sugawara Koushi." The grey-haired prince charming says. "I tried telling you a wrong name but thankfully I wasn't able to lie." He adds, clearly unwillingly adding the 'thankfully'.

"(L/N) (Y/N)." You introduce yourself with a shy smile.


A week has passed since you have met your soulmate Koushi. Both of you noticed how well you get along and started dating. Sadly, it is a long-distance relationship.

It is Friday and Koushi promised you to visit you. Your friend begged you to let her come with you. Even though you were cleary against it, you gave in to her request after some time.

You wait for Koushi to come out of the bullet train as your friend points to every boy, asking if they were him.

Finally, you see grey and fluffy hair in the crowd of people, knowing exactly that it's Koushi. "Koushi!" You exclaim happily as you wave your arm in the air.

You see Koushi's brown pair of eyes spot you. He immediately approaches you and your friend with a big smile.

Suddenly, he pulls you closer and kisses you, surprising you by his sudden act of boldness. Though you like it very much, it is embarrassing because you're in public and therefore can be seen by anyone.

Your friend suddenly wolf-whistles, making you blush even more.

Koushi breaks the kiss but stays close to you, looking you deeply into your eyes. "I'm not sorry." He says with a smile.

He has gotten used to blurting out his thoughts while you, on the other hand, still get embarrassed by your own words.

"T-There wouldn't even be any need for you to be sorry. I liked it." You tell him, noticing some words that you didn't intend on saying slipping out.

"I-I mean, I liked it bu-" You start to say but realize you shouldn't even try to correct yourself because you certainly can't do it anyways.

Suddenly, your friend starts laughing. "This isn't that funny to you anymore, huh?" She asks you while laughing, causing you to playfully glare at her.

Even though you don't like words you don't want to say slipping out, you really like Koushi and are glad to have met him. And so is he.

"I love you, (Y/N)." Koushi whispers in your ear, feeling the urge to tell you this. "I-I love you too." You tell him back while stuttering flustered.

Haikyuu x Reader - Soulmate AU One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now