The Gym Incident

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The Gym Incident

By chloe14 

 (2 stories) (3 posts) (the author is a young adult)

Date: 2008-11-04

Country: Korea, Republic of

Paranormal Category: Apparitions / Voices / Touches

Iused to be a cheerleader for High School in an American School (South Korea). We usually went to one of our rival schools on a Friday, had a game on Friday afternoon, slept in their gym then had another game the next morning on Saturday. So we went to one our rival schools one weekend.

After the game during the afternoon on Friday, we set up our bed area with our personal sleeping bags in the middle of the gym floor. The gym had multiple basketball hoops.

The night soon fell and we were all sound asleep. I woke up because I heard someone dribbling a basketball across the court. I looked around and I didn't see anything. I just figured I was hearing things, so I went back to sleep.

I heard another basketball being dribbled, so I woke up again. I looked around once more, and this time, I saw a boy about the same age as I am, holding a basketball and staring at me. I was startled by his cold, angry, yet sad look. I gasped, ruffled the sleeping bag and blinked my eyes. I opened my eyes again and the boy was no longer seen.

The next morning, I met up with one of my friend from the rival school and shared this experience with her.

She asked me to describe his physical appearance, and I did the best to my memory.

She stared at me silently for about a minute then told me about a boy who matched my description from the school who committed suicide three days ago.

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