Arjun wished he could protect her from this. She deserved peace and happiness.

"How about you?" He scanned the wall and courtyard. "You holding up okay?" If only he could comfort her. He reached out and touched her cheek.

She leaned into his touch, sending that sweet, familiar warmth through him. "I am alright,” she sighed.

“We will make it through,” he made it sound like a simple operation, but the truth was they were in serious trouble here. All the enemy had to do was wait them out. The chances of someone who might be able to lend assistance or spook the assassins coming to this remote location were zero to none. Odds of getting any sort of communication out were equally thin. They were on their own. His gut twisted with regret.

He didn’t know who was targeting him, all he knew was why, and knew that he was the one being targeted. Radhika had been simply dragged into this mess.  His heart fell down and he rubbed his hand on his chest, as he realized the danger his woman was in because of him, his plan.

His desire to change the world, to see a marvel happening in front of his eyes may cost him everything. Was that miracle even worth the sacrifice?

He shuddered.

He wouldn’t lose, not now, not ever. He decided, as they climbed the narrow steps.

He looked at the small room, half of which was covered with rusted machinery, and the otherwise gloomy atmosphere was siphoned off by the stream of sun light entering unfetteringly via the high placed ventilators.

This was good, only one entrance and the continuous ‘tick-tock’ of the humongous clock to keep them company.  

Arjun shut the door with a click as they sat down next to each other.

She shifted and leaned her head back on the wall. "We’re okay," she whispered.

Arjun turned and sensing her need of touch, entwined their fingers together as she leaned her head on his shoulder. 

They sat quietly, both lost in thought. How close had they come to losing the one they loved beyond measured. Who did it? From who was the bullet designed for, nothing mattered, all that shook them witless with fear was the fact that they had come very close to losing each other forever. 

Radhika shivered as a single tear found its way splashing on her face and she snuggled more into Arjun, she craved his touch, what if everything had gone as the assassins had planned, then what? He would have been...No, she wouldn't think that. He was here with her, safe and secure. She tightened her hold on him. Arjun covered her arms with his taking her into a loving, soothing embrace. 

"Shh, Radhika," Arjun patted her head as he kept his own fears at bay. 

To think he had been jealous of that Ethan, when he had come so close to losing his love, who
was the sole reason for his existence, what if he hadn't pulled her down on time...seconds had mattered...What if...?

He shook his head, ‘what ifs’ would always plague the mind, what was of importance was they had today, the present, she was here with him and he had been granted another chance by god to undo his wrongs, to live his life with 'his life'.

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